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New Gol, Anti-Toro and electric SUVs

New Gol, Anti-Toro and electric SUVs

General Motors (GM) went to Palacio do Planalto at the beginning of this month to announce a R$7 billion investment in Brazil. Volkswagen (VW) was going to announce 9 billion riyals, but took a small hit, adding the amount to the 7 billion it had already announced in the past, and in total announcing investments worth 16 billion riyals.

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At least, the two companies performed much better than, for example, Mercedes and Ford, which closed their car factories in Brazilian territory. What's new from Volkswagen? The new Gol, which will be a compact SUV, is coming to Taubaté next year.

Volkswagen also revealed a completely new minivan project that was presented at the São Paulo Motor Show in 2018. There are also two new features that are still a secret, as well as a completely new mild hybrid drive, already in Europe with a 1.5 Flex engine and an electric minivan coupled with a box Dual clutch gears.

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