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NEW FGTS 2022 Withdrawal: Money Released to Workers

NEW FGTS 2022 Withdrawal: Money Released to Workers

Workers born in January can now replace birthday loot from the severance pay fund)FGTS). However, the process is only allowed for those who have joined the method.

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the birthday loot The worker is given a portion of his available balance in the fund’s accounts. The transfer takes place every year in the month in which the citizen celebrates his birthday, as the name implies.

However, redemption can be carried out within three months, starting from the date of issue. In the case of January beneficiaries, the amount will be available for withdrawal until March 31, 2022.

Although it is better to have extra money annually in the month of your birthday, joining the method means giving up the right to withdraw FGTS Completely upon unjustified dismissal. In this case, the termination fine of only 40% of the fund is guaranteed

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It should be noted that to join the birthday withdrawal, the worker must apply for the option until the last working day of the month of his birth. If this deadline is exceeded, the application will not be considered until the following year.

The method can be joined in the application FGTS, there is no site interest fund, at bank ATMs or at Caixa branches.

according to Federal Savings Bank, the enterprise responsible for the transfer of FGTS for the birthday of the withdrawal, in January this year, about 1.3 million workers will be entitled to refund the way.

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According to these data, the amount to be withdrawn will be approximately 1.9 billion. It is worth noting that the amount also takes into account the advance of the withdrawal through financial institutions.

Finally, it is important to note that the amount released through Christmas loot depends on how much the worker has in their fund accounts. This way, additional fees may still apply. See the table:

Balance ranges in BRL Withdrawal rate Additional plot
Up to 500.00 BRL 50% _
De R $ 500,01 a R $ 1,000,00 40% 50 BRL
De R $ 1,000,01 a R $ 5,000,00 30% 150 BRL
5,000,01 BRL 10,000,00 BRL 20% 650 BRL
R$10,000,01 a R$15,000,00 15% 1.150 Brazilian Real
15,000,01 BRL 20.000.00 BRL 10% 1,900 BRL
Above 5% 2,900 BRL

FGTS Draw: See the full calendar for 2022

Christmas loot FGTS Fundo de Garantia do Tempo de Serviço is now available for workers born in January. They must get the money back by March 31, considering the three-month period.

according to Federal Savings Bank, About 1.3 million workers will be able to access the withdrawal FGTS This month. Expectations indicate that more than 1.9 billion Brazilian riyals will be distributed to the holders.

The method releases a part of the balance available in the worker’s fund accounts annually in the month of his birth. The standard is valid for both active and inactive accounts registered in the name of the citizen.

It is important to remember that to get Christmas loot, it is necessary to adhere to the method. The operation must be carried out in Caixa service channels until the last working day of the month in which the worker celebrates his birthday. If the rule is not respected, the application will be considered from next year only.

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However, anyone who migrates to the annual withdrawal loses the right to withdraw the withdrawal – which allows for a full refund FGTS In cases of unfair dismissal. Upon termination, only a termination penalty of 40% of the fund will be released.

birth month FGTS Partial Withdrawal Deadline
Janeiro From January 4 to March 31
February From February 1 to April 30
March From March 1 to May 31
April From 1 April to 30 June
may be From May 3 to July 31
June From June 1 to August 31
July From 1 July to 30 September
August From August 2 to October 31
September From September 1 to November 30
October From October 1 to December 31
November From November 1 to January 31, 2023
December From December 1 to February 28, 2023

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