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Ne Firaz will be the Minister of Planning in the government of Ibanese

Ne Firaz will be the Minister of Planning in the government of Ibanese

One of the news confirmed for a second term for the governor Ibanes Rocha (MDB) is a re-creation of the planning department.

The current General Secretariat for Economics will be divided into two volumes: Finance and Planning. A government law is due to be published later today to confirm the measure.

Lawyer Nai Viraz will handle planning, one of the most important in the next government, because he will deal with budget, administration and management of local government resources.

Ney Ferraz is one of the governor’s closest managers. Ney Ferraz has been a friend of Ibaneis since the time his emedebista lived in Piauí, and he has already held some positions of trust in his first state: he is the president of the Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Distrito Federal (Iprev) and the Institute for Health Servants Assistance in the Federal District (Ines).

It was Nye who coordinated the creation of the health plan for local civil servants and implemented the DF’s pension reform. With the appointment to the Planning Department, Nye will leave the presidency of Ebrev and Enas.

Jose Itamar Vitosa will remain at the head of the Treasury, who has replaced Andre Clemente in this position. Although Itamar’s residence was temporary at the time of the exchange, Ibañes is positively surprised by Itamar and now intends to keep him in office.


Nee Ferraz has been a federal civil servant for 20 years. He holds a law degree and a postgraduate degree in social security and public law. Nye also holds a master’s degree in public law.

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One of Ibani’s key advisors, Nye served as state supervisor of the National Institute of Statistics in Piauí during the government of former President Michel Temer (MDB).

During Ibaneis’ re-election campaign, Ney helped coordinate the government’s plan for the coming period. Now, it will be on top of one of the main folders, to implement the proposals.