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NBB |  Flamengo, then Frente Primera Partida da Venale de NBB 2020/2021

NBB | Flamengo, then Frente Primera Partida da Venale de NBB 2020/2021

In the first round of NBB’s decision, it was Flamingo have won Sao Paulo, A three-point basket of 0.8 milliseconds left

Thanks to an excellent second half and a decisive Yago in the last ball, F.Lamengo beat Sao Paulo 96-93 and opened 1-0 in the 2020/2021 FIFA World Cup Finals.

The decisive basket holder, Yago was the Flamengo basket with 27 points. On the Sao Paulo three-color side, Lucas Mariano was the big name with a score of 29.

the game:

The start of the match was balanceds. With the two teams making a lot of mistakes in the offensive part, the result was 5-5 after four minutes. After this first moment, I recovered the attacks The first quarter ended 25-24 for Flemego.

In the second half, the pace of the match remained the same. São Paulo controlled speed And whenever he can, hit his attacks. In this way, Flamengo was unable to determine his iconic size and São Paulo followed suit at the top of the scoreboard. Sao Paulo victory by 46 to 42.

Photo: João Pires / LNB

Photo: João Pires / LNB

Back to the second timeMarquinhos called responsibility. Wing identified Flamingo’s attacks The carioca team hit the 60 to 59 mark. In the sequence, they were able to spin the ball and find the best shot, flipping the cariocas on the scoreboard, and The home side closed the penultimate period at 72 to 66.

Last 10 minutes of departure, Flamingo remained superior in attack. In the final stage of the game, Georginho was the name of São Paulo. With three-point play and outside ball, the rule left the score the same, at 93 to 93, 7.8 seconds from the end. On the last ball, Yago summoned responsibility and set up an outside ball to give Flamengo a 96 to 93 win.

Photo: João Pires / LNB

Photo: João Pires / LNB

  • Basketball
  • NB:
  • Sao Paulo
  • Flamingo

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