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NASA presents image of Eärendel, a star millions of times more luminous than the Sun – Metro World News Brasil

NASA presents image of Eärendel, a star millions of times more luminous than the Sun – Metro World News Brasil

Earendel, officially named WHL0137-LS, is the oldest and farthest star in the known universe. It is located more than 28 million light-years away, and was discovered by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2022. Now, thanks to NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, We can see your picture more clearly.

Next, we show the cool image released by NASA, Captured by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Eärendel, the oldest and brightest star in the known universe

For this, use the NIRCam (Near Infrared Camera) tool, showing that it is A massive B-type star, twice as hot as the Sun and a million times brighter.

Its name is derived from Norse mythology: Earendel was the morning light. This blue giant was accompanied by a smaller star, possibly a red dwarf, for which there is no evidence today.

More details about the star Earendel, as captured by NASA’s James Webb Telescope

Earendel is located in the sunrise arc galaxy, the constellation Cetus, and can only be detected through an effect called gravitational lensing: Hubble and Webb did just that, observing the strong glow behind galaxy cluster WHL0137-08.

Thanks to the James Webb telescope, NASA decided just that Eärendel appeared “only” a billion years after the Big Bang, Being the oldest and farthest star ever. get over icarus log, Formally known as MACS J1149+2223 Lensed Star 1, it was 4 billion years old.

Eärendel, the oldest and brightest star in the known universe

Using the same technology they dived into the details of the WHL0137-LS star, NASA has opened up a new field in stellar physics.

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The research team cautiously hopes that this is a step towards the eventual detection of one of the first generations of stars.” The space agency states in its statement, It consists only of the raw ingredients of the universe that originated in the Big Bang: hydrogen and helium.