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NASA plans to transport humans to Mars in 2035

NASA plans to transport humans to Mars in 2035

north american space agency, NASAset the year 2035 as the date for bringing humans there Mars.

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The ten-year strategy he outlined Artemis program During this period, it intends to prepare humans through training, studies, and missions to explore the world moon.

Exploration on the surface of the moon has contributed to the discovery of scientific and technological progress, in addition to collecting information and knowledge about how to preserve human life outside our blue planet.

Within 10 years, the US Space Agency wants humans to reach Mars | NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell University/Arizona State University

Humans trained on our natural satellite will be ready to embark on a round trip to… Mars For scientific research purposes.

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The journey from Earth to the Red Planet is expected to last six to seven months, round trip, and cover a total of 804 million kilometres.

In addition, the team must spend about 500 days on Mars. Through the mission, NASA hopes to find answers to many questions surrounding the planet, such as its origin, its current appearance, and whether there is life there at all.

“Scientists know a lot about the planet’s surface from robotic missions, but there are still many interesting geological features that need to be investigated more closely,” wrote Joel Levine, an atmospheric scientist and professor in the Department of Applied Sciences at the University of William and Mary in Virginia (USA). American) and a former researcher at NASA, in an article published on “Instagram” that these characteristics can tell researchers more about the composition of the solar system.