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NASA performs critical repair on Voyager spacecraft a billion kilometers from Earth

NASA performs critical repair on Voyager spacecraft a billion kilometers from Earth

Sensors Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 from NASA It was necessary to explore. space Since its launch in 1977. In particular, Voyager 1, located 24.63 billion kilometers from Earth, continues to surprise with its performance, despite the technical challenges it has faced over the years.

NASA recently announced the successful replacement of the probe’s clogged thrusters. This complex process underscores the continued importance of Voyager’s mission to study interstellar space, a region beyond the heliosphere where the Sun’s influence is minimal.

Voyager 1’s vibrant journey

The Voyager probes were launched to explore the far reaches of the solar system and beyond. Once there, they both began collecting valuable data about space Among the stars. Voyager 1, in particular, plays a key role with a 47-year journey, longer than any other object sent by humans.

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Technical Challenges: How NASA Overcame Obstacles

Given its advanced age, Voyager 1 faced a number of technical challenges. Project Manager Susan Dodd commented: “The button we press to open the car door has more computing power than Voyager’s sensors. Impressive, isn’t it?

One of the most notable problems occurred when the probe began sending back repetitive patterns of 1s and 0s instead of scientific data. This particular problem was fixed by manipulating the ship’s memory. However, the thrusters, which are essential for Voyager 1’s navigation and course correction, began showing signs of clogging more than two decades ago.

What measures has NASA taken?

Voyager 1’s engine problems began in 2002, and NASA quickly switched to a second engine. However, that too ran into problems in 2018, forcing a switch to the propulsion system to correct the trajectory.

  • Thrusters are essential to keep a spacecraft pointed toward Earth and send back valuable scientific data.
  • The system requires approximately 40 corrections per day.
  • The final switch involved a difficult maneuver due to the enormous distance from the ground and the need to conserve energy.
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How was the fuel exchange implemented?

The switch was a real technological challenge, but NASA engineers were very efficient. To conserve energy and make necessary repairs, many of the ship’s components were shut down. However, the propellant, if operated at such low temperatures, could be damaged.

  1. First, they turned off the unnecessary heaters to redirect power to the motive heater.
  2. The thrusters were warmed up for approximately one hour before activation.
  3. Conclusively, even with the limited power of the plutonium-powered system, the operation was successful.

Voyager 1 future

Despite the challenges it faced and the years of service to science, Voyager 1 continues to send important data back to Earth. Although the mission is expected to end in the next few years, Voyager 1’s contribution to space exploration is invaluable.

So, as we celebrate the achievements of this veteran probe, we eagerly await the new discoveries it can bring us in the remaining years of its pioneering journey.