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‘Mortal Kombat’ has ideas for first Brazilian fighter after funk and gaucho ‘fashions’, says creator |  games

‘Mortal Kombat’ has ideas for first Brazilian fighter after funk and gaucho ‘fashions’, says creator | games

Ed Boon comments on the new Mortal Kombat 1 game and the chance of a Brazilian fighter in the series

The promise is old, but it might as well be It won’t take much longer for “Mortal Kombat” to get a Brazilian fighter. At least according to one of the creators of the fighting game series, Ed Boone. Watch the video above.

It was the twelfth game in the series, which gave a new beginning to the story after more than 30 years Released on Tuesday (19) on PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series.

“It’s probably going to be a new character that we’re going to introduce, and that means integrating her into the story. There are a lot of steps that need to be taken.”

“A lot has happened during the pandemic that has affected many of our decisions, but we will make it happen. I wish I could give you a timeline, but we have certainly not forgotten about the Brazilian players and their representation.”

Remember the Brazilian versions

Kung Lao gaúcho, Kano cangaceiro and Tanya funkeira are Brazilian versions of “Mortal Kombat” characters in the games – Image: Disclosure

Almost all major fighting game series have Brazilian actors. Blanca, Shawn and Laura in “Street Fighter”. Eddie and Christy in the movie “Tekken”. Even “Fatal Fury” has Richard Meier. That’s why “Mortal Kombat” fans always dream of a local character.

But it is not that the franchise is completely ignorant of the country’s existence. As Boone himself recalls, some characters actually gained Brazilian versions with skins and cosmetic items that changed the appearance of the fighters over the years.

“We were able to launch fashions designed specifically for Brazil, and for me I imagine we will always do this in the future“, says the programmer.

The latest is “Tanya Funkera” From Mortal Kombat 1, where the head of the Outworld Royal Guard wears a green and yellow short outfit, in a style that echoes Anitta.

The idea began in 2015’s Mortal Kombat Liu Kang and Johnny Cage only received clothing in the flag colors, however “Kung Lao Gaucho” He’s got a complete makeover, complete with a jacket, neck scarf and an enviable mustache.

In the next game, “Mortal Kombat 11”, from 2019, he was “Kano Kanjasero”. For the homage, the villain wore a leather jacket, cartridge belts on his cybernetic core’s shoulder straps, and of course, the good old lampshade hat.