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Mortal Kombat 1 trailer reveals Omni-Man DLC;  He watches!

Mortal Kombat 1 trailer reveals Omni-Man DLC; He watches!

During New York Comic-Con, WB Games officially released Omni-Man in Mortal Kombat 1. The snippet shows off the anti-hero’s moves and introductions, highlighting several references to notable moments from the Amazon series.

Over the course of just over a minute, it is possible to observe several of the character’s special abilities. His move set includes projectile dribbles, high-speed grabs, and knockout attacks.

However, the highlight of Omni-Man is the fatalities and fatal blow. In total, three finishes are shown in the Mortal Kombat 1 trailer, which contain references to the train and scenes of beatings and skull-crushing – emblematic of the Prime Video series.

Watch below:

Mortal Kombat 1 is available for PS5, Xbox Series, and PC. Kombat Pack 1 can be purchased from PS Store Priced at R $ 169.90 and also includes Quan Chi, Pacificador, Ermac, Captain Patria and Takahashi Takeda as fighters, and Tremor, Mavado, Johnny Cage, Kameleon and Fera as Kameos.

The Mortal Kombat 1 World Championship begins this month

NetherRealm Studios has confirmed that the first Mortal Kombat 1 World Championship will begin this month. The competition will reward participants with more than US$250,000 and will have a circuit based in São Paulo. Click here to learn more.

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