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more than 600,000 accounts with more than R,000 in cash that were forgotten in banks;  See how you consult

more than 600,000 accounts with more than R$1,000 in cash that were forgotten in banks; See how you consult

Most people with forgotten funds in old accounts will receive amounts equal to or less than R$10.

According to the Central Bank (BC), the second phase of the Debit Values ​​System (SVR), which accounted for more than 6 billion Brazilian riyals, has been halted in financial institutions, pending the release of about 38.5 million individuals and 2.4 million companies.

The Monetary Authority states that 29.2 million accounts, which is 62.55% of the total, contain less than R$10 of “forgotten” amounts to be redeemed.

There are those who “forgot” more money

But if those values ​​are not attractive, 643.1 thousand accounts will have values ​​higher than R$1,000.01 to be refunded. This is only 1.37% of the total.

BC data also indicates that most of the values, R$3.1 billion, are in banks.

Immediately after that, there are union managers, with R$2.1 billion, and cooperatives, with R$602.7 million.

Consult the forgotten money

Consultations with the SVR reopened on Tuesday, the 28th. You can make an inquiry here.

A request for a refund can be submitted starting March 7 at 10 am.

The Central Bank warns of the risks of fraud and stresses that the only website that can be consulted and how to request refunds for legal or natural persons, including deceased persons, is: https: // valoresareceber. bcb.gov. br.

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