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Moraes denies Eletrobras' request to annul judicial orders issued by the Assembly that will discuss the Fornas case, without listening to the judges

Moraes denies Eletrobras' request to annul judicial orders issued by the Assembly that will discuss the Fornas case, without listening to the judges

The meeting, which is still pending, will discuss the merger of Furnas. This order came after a statement issued by the subsidiary company’s employees association

Alexandre de Morais

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247 – Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), partly rejected, on Wednesday (3), Eletrobrás' request to annul two injunctions that led to the suspension of the extraordinary general meeting called for December 29, when a decision will be made on the establishment of Furnas. By the privatized company in 2022.

For Morais, it is first necessary to summon the required authorities to provide information within a 48-hour period before the injunction application can be considered.

“[…] In order to better assess the issue raised in the case, the defendant authorities are urgently summoned to provide information, within 48 hours, in accordance with Art. 989, I, CPC. Once information is received, completed records will be returned for initial consideration. “Published,” the command says.

Previously, First District Regional Labor Court Judge José Nascimento Araujo Neto granted a request for an injunction to determine that the meeting should not take place.

Continue following recommendations

Last Saturday, TJRJ Vice President, Caetano Ernesto da Fonseca Costa, partially granted Eletrobrás’ request to suspend the 90-day period, “without (sic) preventing the implementation of the Assembly Law in its entirety, as long as it continues after January 10, 2024.”

The injunctions issued by the Regional Labor Court of the First District and the Court of Justice of the State of Rio de Janeiro were filed by the Association of Furnas Employees (ASIF).

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The workers pointed out the need for the company to submit a plan or study on the consequences of operating the subsidiary. This includes guarantees of the preservation of collective agreements, collected pension funds, and employees' legal assets after the end of the process.