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“Moon Strawberry” will take place on Thursday (24);  Check out the tips for the last supermoon in 2021 – science

“Moon Strawberry” will take place on Thursday (24); Check out the tips for the last supermoon in 2021 – science

Fans of astronomical events such as “super moons” will have Chance To see the end of 2021 this Thursday (24). The so-called “Moon Strawberry”, although its appearance has not changed much, will increase in size due to proximity astrological with planet earth.

According to Romario Fernandez, a professor of astronomy at the College of the Fire Department in Ceará, in the state, it will appear at 5:35 p.m. This will be it third full moon Closest to Earth this year, behind these May e April.

For him, the ideal is to see the full moon when it rises, because visual effect collapses quickly. “The faster we go, the more interesting it is. If you allow 20, 30, 40 minutes to pass, it will be.”

Romário Fernandes explains that, in addition to the apparent size of the full moon, which stands out, “Moon Strawberry” would draw more attention if near the horizon.

“Makhna strengthens The apparent size of the full moon when we see it near buildings, trees, and mountains. Visual effect gets more prominent‘, it indicates.


According to the professor of astronomy, the exact moment of formation of the giant moon varies from month to month and from orbit to orbit, and it occurs when the period of the full moon coincides with begeo (When the moon approaches the earth).

“She does round Around the Earth once in a little less than a month. Since the orbit is elliptical rather than circular, it causes monthly It stays near and far from the planet.”

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Romario Fernandez adds, strictly speaking, Only superheroes This year was May-April, because the moon has already approached the Earth. “In March and now in June, we are in a small class disparate“.

Origin of the name “strawberry moon”

Also according to the astronomy professor, there are two versions of the origin of the name “strawberry moon”: the version that originated in United State, during the cultivation of wild strawberries, which is carried out at this time of the year, which reminds of the summer solstice in Northern Hemisphere, which happened on June 21. “These discussions do not reach consensus.”