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Miley sends Lola a letter and abandons joining BRICS

Miley sends Lola a letter and abandons joining BRICS

The integration process was initiated by then President Alberto Fernández; The withdrawal was already expected

The President of Argentina, Javier Miley, sent a letter to the heads of the Executive Committee of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) to formalize the abandonment of joining the bloc. Read the complete (PDF – 281 KB) From the document sent to the Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT).

The liberal says in the document that his foreign policy ““It differs in many respects.” As said by former President Alberto Fernández, who was negotiating Argentina's accession to the economic community as of January 1, 2024.From this standpoint, some decisions taken by the previous administration will be reconsidered.”

Argentina's accession to the BRICS was announced during the summit held in Johannesburg (South Africa) on August 24, 2023. In addition to the South American country, 5 more entries were formalized: Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates. united.

But Miley had already announced, in August 2023, that she was against membership. In a speech the same month during the election campaign, the Liberal said he would not take sides “With the communists” But with the United States and Israel.

Here's the full message Miley sent to Lola:

“Mr president:

“I am pleased to address you regarding the invitation extended to the Argentine Republic to join the BRICS group that was decided at the Johannesburg Summit last August.

As you know, the nature of the foreign policy of the government that I headed a few days ago differs in many aspects from the policy of the previous government. From this standpoint, some decisions taken by the previous administration will be reviewed. Among them is the creation of a specialized unit for the country's active participation in the BRICS, as former President Alberto Fernández indicated in a letter dated September 4.

“In this regard, I would like to inform you that at this stage, the incorporation of the Argentine Republic into BRICS as a full member as of January 1, 2024 is not considered appropriate.

“Without prejudice to this, I would like to highlight my government’s commitment to intensifying bilateral relations with your country, particularly in increasing trade and investment flows.

“While I await the meeting with you, I take this opportunity to reiterate my profound appreciation.

“To His Excellency the President of the Federal Republic of Brazil,

“Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.”

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