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Miley does another commercial and uses Lola’s slogan to refute Masa

Miley does another commercial and uses Lola’s slogan to refute Masa

Opposition candidate says “hope will conquer fear”; The slogan made famous by Lula’s inauguration speech in 2003

Argentine presidential candidate Javier Miley (of the La Libertad Avanza coalition and a self-declared liberal) launched his latest commercial this Thursday (November 16, 2023). The propaganda came from the video published by his opponent. Sergio Massa (of the Union por la Patria coalition and Peronist Economy Minister Alberto Fernández), who ran campaigns to criticize and encourage fear against Miley. The second round of the presidential elections will be held on Sunday (November 19).

Miley’s video was posted on her YouTube channel with the title “La esperanza vento al miedo” (“Hope conquers fear” in Portuguese). The slogan has been used by the president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) in his inaugural address on 1 January 2003 and reiterated it in an address to the United Nations General Assembly (UN) in 2023.

The tone adopted by Miley in her latest advertising effort is more moderate than that used throughout the campaign. The candidate appears in the video facing the camera and the Argentine flags at the back of the hall he occupies. He criticizes “political class” To own “Spreading a huge amount of lies” Regarding the opposition, he said, “Causes fear and paralysis” Voters.

Miley says she wants to “Embrace the ideas that made Argentina great.” He refutes the criticisms leveled by Massa: “We will not privatize health, we will not privatize education, we will not reform enkokai [Instituto Nacional Central Único de Ablação e Coordenação de Implantes]We will not privatize football, nor will we allow unrestricted import of weapons.”. It ends by asking voters not to be afraid and choose the right option “changes” Why? “Hope conquers fear”.

Watch (1 minute and 23 seconds):

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Last week, marketer Pablo Noble, an Argentine citizen living in Brazil, traveled to Buenos Aires to cooperate with the final phase of Javier Miley’s campaign, according to what was reported by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”. CNN Brazil. The advertiser must have already worked on advertising campaigns Esseo Neves (PSDB), in 2014, and Tarcisio de Freitas (Republicans) for the government of São Paulo, in 2022. In Argentina, Noble worked with Peruvians Alberto Fernández, in 2019, and Daniel Scioli, in 2015.