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Miley closes the Argentine Federal Revenue Authority and creates another agency

Miley closes the Argentine Federal Revenue Authority and creates another agency

The government said the new body would perform its function in a “simpler,” “effective,” “less expensive” and “bureaucratic” manner.

President of Argentina, Javier Miley (La Libertad Avanza, right), Announce On Monday (October 21, 2024) the Federal Public Revenue Service, the country’s federal revenue service, will be closed. This body will be replaced by the Customs Collection and Control Agency, which was created to perform a similar function and in a similar manner. “Less expensive”less “bureaucracy”, “simpler” and “effective”.

According to Miley’s office, this action “It will destroy corrupt circles, remove former privileges and improve public administration.”. About 34% of federal revenue employees will be laid off with this decision.

In a statement (Read the full text below, in Spanish)The government also reported the dismissal of more than 3,155 employees He was appointed by the administration of former President Alberto Fernandez.

The current administration accuses Fernandez of hiring employees in “irregular”.

Read the full text in Portuguese:

“The Office of the President informs that, as part of the downsizing of the state and elimination of inefficient structures, it will disband the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (Afip).”

“The Customs Collection and Control Agency (Arca) will be created, an organization with a simpler, more efficient, less expensive and less bureaucratic structure. This measure will reduce the higher authorities by 45% and the lower levels by 31%, representing the abolition of 34% of the current structure, which Generates annual savings of P6,400 million.

In addition, 3,155 clients who illegally joined AFib during the last Kirchner government will be fired, which is equivalent to 15% of the current employees. This step is necessary to dismantle unnecessary bureaucracy that has hindered the economic and commercial freedom of Argentines.

“On the other hand, with the beginning of the administration of the new ark, the calculation of the hierarchy of senior positions will be abolished, which will return the salary of the body holder from about 32 million to the amount currently received by the Minister of State, about 4 million. The same will happen with the reviews of the directors of the General Directorate of Taxes ( DGI) and the Directorate General of Customs (DGA), who currently receive 17 million and certify a salary equivalent to that of the State Secretary.

“The establishment of the ark aims to reduce the state, remove necessary burdens, professionalize the body, destroy corrupt circles, improve the efficiency of customs collection and control, eliminate previous privileges and improve public administration.

“The direction of Arca will be in charge of Florencia Misrahi, who will lead this process together with Andrés Gerardo Vázquez, who will take over as President of the DGI, and José Andrés Velez, the new President of the DGA. Vázquez, who holds a degree in business administration and public accountant, has more than 30 years of experience At the General Directorate of Taxes For his part, Veles has extensive professional experience in the General Directorate of Customs and was responsible for the development of key IT systems such as the Malvina system.