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Microsoft releases a new update for Xbox Series

Microsoft releases a new update for Xbox Series

Xbox has released a new firmware update for the Xbox Series Along with updates for consoles and games, Microsoft regularly releases patches for its accessories, updating firmware and fixing quirks and bugs.

The recently released V5.21.3237.0 update for Xbox Series It contains several fixes, including: Thumb calibration improvements And unexpected connection drops when using wired headphones.

How do I update?

  1. push the button X-Box To open the panel, select Profile and system > Settings > Devices and communications > Controls and headphones Select the control you want to update.
  2. on the screen Xbox wireless controllerclick in ““To check the firmware version of your console.
  3. If the word “Update” appears, choose Firmware version Follow the steps provided.

From the support page It also informs those who want to update via cable or PC.

If your console is already updated, don't worry, this update is still in testing and may take up to a few weeks to arrive if you're not an Xbox Insider. Moreover, Microsoft itself performs automatic updates so you don't have to do a lot of work.

An Xbox console firmware update probably won't move mountains for fans of the green side, but it seems to be an important part of keeping the popular console stable.