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Miami nods to Indy and Nasser, and wants a third American F1 race

Miami nods to Indy and Nasser, and wants a third American F1 race

The Miami Circuit, which makes its debut on F1 next season, is playing with the possibility of already hosting other segments of motorsport in the United States, at a point scheduled for May 8th. Tom Garfinkel, managing director of the Miami Dolphins football team and Hard Rock Stadium, was the one who paved the way, despite admitting the difficulty of tracking India and Nazareth.

The stadium hosts the city’s professional football and other sporting events.

“I think it’s possible, but the little time for the show will be a challenge,” he told American magazine Razor. “Before the race, we have the Miami Open tennis at the end of March and during the football season each year.

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With Miami’s entry on the calendar, the United States will run two races a year. The other is in U.S. orbit in Austin, which has not happened since 2019 due to the Govt-19 epidemic. For Corfing, two levels in the country are not the limit. Executives say the high number of races in the country will help build a fan base.

“We haven’t talked to the Circuit of America yet, but we can bring in more races, we’ll win more fans. It’s good for everyone. If possible, I would love to see a third race in the United States in the future. If you are a fan of motorsports and F1, the more races in the United States, the better, ”he concluded.

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