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Members of the Science, Technology and Innovation Council of Rio Claro have been sworn in

The Board of Directors has a mandate for the 2022/2024 biennium.

Mayor Gustavo Pericinoto, by decree signed on September 13, has appointed the members who will compose the Rio Claro Science, Technology and Innovation Council for the 2022/2024 biennium. On Friday afternoon (14) the members of the Council formally assumed their duties. “This is an important initiative to encourage the development of the municipality, and Mayor Gustavo is always available to support any action in this regard,” said Chief of Staff, Ottavio Balbau, who represented the mayor at the ceremony.

The Council includes representatives from the executive branch, the legislature, and civil society. “This process of dialogue and collective effort is essential to having a strong collaboration network capable of perfecting and implementing innovation and entrepreneurship projects,” emphasized Giovanni Fornereto Jozzi, Coordinator of the Technology Innovation Center in Rio Claro.

Council member Alessandro Almeida suggested that the Technology Council pay special attention to the IT sector, which, according to the council member, could generate thousands of jobs and income.

The first meeting of the new council will be on the fourth, announced Marined Alves, president of the council and municipal director of technological innovation.

The municipal secretary for economic development, Anderson Christofoliti, noted that the municipality has embraced the concept of innovation. “This way, we will grow a lot more.” “The challenges are great, but we will work at an accelerated pace to move forward the equivalent of many years in a short period of time.”

Counselors Julio Lopez, Thiago Yamamoto, Adriano La Torre, Geraldo Volentario, Minister of Government, To Reginato and Superintendent of the Archives General, Mónica Ferreira, also participated in the inauguration.

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