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MEI: The deadline for submitting the annual declaration ends on Friday.  See how to do it |  leading businesses

MEI: The deadline for submitting the annual declaration ends on Friday. See how to do it | leading businesses

The MEI shall issue the Annual National Simple Declaration (DASN-SIMEI) — Photo: Reproduction

Small individual entrepreneurs (MEIs) You have until Friday (31st) To deliver the Annual Announcement of Simples Nacional, DASN-SIMEI, for the year 2023.

The DASN-SIMEI is a document that the MEI is obligated to submit annually to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service. Total revenue and number of employees are some of the information obtained through registration.

About 15.7 million permits are expected to be filed this year, according to Seabray. See the topics below on how to submit a statement and ask questions:

1- How to make the annual MEI announcement?

In advertising, it is necessary Fill in the total value of total revenue earned in the previous year With the sale of goods or the provision of services and an indication of whether there is a registration of employees or not. To do this, MEI needs:

  • arrive to Entrepreneur portal And select the tab “I already have MEI”;
  • Choose the “Annual Statement” option, then click “Send Statement”;
  • MEI CNPJ will be requested. Then choose the year you want to announce and fill in the data with the revenues obtained. A screen containing a summary of the tax amounts paid that year will open;
  • Finally, just click Broadcast. In cases of no transaction or invoice issuance, the fields for Total Revenue, Sales and/or Services must be filled in with R$ 0.00 – indicating that, in fact, there was no income.

The advertisement must be made by All individual small business ownersincluding those who Didn’t get the revenue During 2023.

3- What if I miss the deadline? What happens?

However, MEI does not submit the advertisement within the deadline Subject to a fine of up to 20% of the declared tax value. He may also cancel CNPJ permanently if he has not paid any monthly contributions within the past two years.

4- You have exceeded your billing limit. And now?

Hey MEI’s maximum annual revenue is R$81,000which gives an average of R $ 6,750 per month, or proportional to the opening month.

For example, if you formalize your company in May 2023, your revenue limit until the end of the year to be announced is R$54,000.

If this value is exceeded, The businessman must pay taxes on the surplus.

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