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MEI: Master the art of micro-entrepreneurship and making profit from your business

MEI: Master the art of micro-entrepreneurship and making profit from your business

If you’re self-employed, you’ve probably already heard of MEI, which stands for dividual Microentrepreneur. As the name suggests, it is a business model aimed at solopreneurs. MEI was created in 2009, to bring formality to these professionals.

But why all the fuss about MEI? This is because this method simplifies opening companies and collecting taxes, which is done through a single directory called DAS MEI. These are some of the characteristics that have attracted many entrepreneurs to become MEI.

How does Mi work?

Do you want to cancel your MEI?  Learn here without the headache!

MEI is a simplified business category aimed at freelancers and small business owners. When a professional becomes an MEI, he or she obtains a CNPJ, to be able to issue invoices and also receive Social Security benefits. Another attraction is the ease of formalization, which is carried out 100% online and at a reasonable cost, paid through a single monthly payment slip indicating the taxes charged on the activity carried out.

Who can become a MEI?

To become an MEI, you must meet certain requirements. The main limiting factor is annual revenue, which currently cannot exceed R$81,000. Furthermore, only one employee is allowed, and the activity carried out must be within the list of activities permitted by the MEI.

Is it the best option for every individual entrepreneur?

MEI has many advantages, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best option for everyone. It is necessary to conduct the analysis individually, taking into account aspects such as the activity you intend to carry out, the maximum revenue, and the business growth plan. Remember: Not every business meets MEI requirements.

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Do you have to issue an invoice?

Issuing an invoice is optional for MEI when the sale or service is intended for an individual end consumer. However, issuing an invoice is always mandatory in transactions involving legal entities, regardless of their size.

These mentioned points are just some aspects about MEI. If you are thinking of falling into this category, it is recommended to conduct a more in-depth analysis, researching all the necessary information and its implications, to make a conscious and informed decision.