The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) on Wednesday (21) launched two of the most traditional public calls for research. The Public Advocacy, targeting projects by emerging and consolidated groups in any field of knowledge, and the Advocacy for Research Productivity and Productivity in Postgraduate Research Scholarships, the highest grants of CNPq, will receive a total of R$600 million from the CNPq budget.
The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos, assessed that by covering different fields of knowledge, the global appeal has a wide reach and is a catalyst for new research groups. The Research Productivity and Productivity in Postgraduate Research Scholarships call is aimed at established researchers and encourages not only high-quality production but also the training of new researchers.
“This investment reflects our government’s commitment to Brazilian researchers, science and the future of Brazil,” said the minister. He added, “The calls are essential to stimulate scientific development that allows knowledge to be transformed into wealth for the country and the quality of life for the population.”
Ricardo Galvao, Chair of CNPq, reinforced the importance of calls to support young researchers from emerging cohorts to researchers with a standardized profession. In addition, he noted, the large volume of resources confirms the federal government’s commitment to Brazilian science.
Global Appeal – CNPq/MCTI Call No. 10/2023 It aims to support research projects in any field of knowledge. The call will allocate R$300 million from two investment scopes:
Scope A – Emerging Groups: Intended for research teams that include, among their members, at least three physicians, one of whom is the project coordinator.
Projects are limited to R$165,000 each. Altogether, there will be R$120 million for this domain. The sponsor/project coordinator cannot be a recipient of the Productivity in Research or Productivity in Technology Development and Innovative Mentorship grant.
Scope B – Consolidated Groups: Intended for research teams that include, among their members, at least five physicians, from at least two different institutions, one of which is the project coordinator.
Projects are limited to R$275,000. Altogether, there will be R$180 million for this range. Amounts received by projects can be applied to funding items, capital grants, and research in Scientific Start-up (IC), Industrial Technological Start-up (ITI), Industrial Technological Development (DTI) and Technical Support (AT) modalities.
Bids can be submitted until August 7, and the preliminary result is scheduled to be revealed on October 16. The final result should be announced on November 23.
Watch the full call:
Call for Research Productivity Scholarships and Graduate Research Productivity Grants – Contact CNPq Nº 09/2023 – It aims to select projects for Productivity Research (PQ) grants and Productivity Research Senior (PQ-Sr) grants. These methods target researchers who have outstanding scientific, technological and innovative production in their fields of knowledge.
The objective of the grants is to encourage an increase in the quality of scientific, technological and innovative production and to promote the continuity of the work of high-level researchers in the development of scientific and/or technological research and in the training of researchers at various levels. .
The approved proposals will be funded with resources with a total estimated value of R$291 million.
Projects must be listed on one of the following lines:
First Line – Research Productivity Scholarships – PQ
Aimed at researchers who stand out among their peers, and have their scientific output assessed according to standard criteria, established by the CNPq, and criteria defined, by the advisory committees: to be able to receive a research productivity grant in Category 2, to obtain a Physician. degree by 2020; To be eligible for the Category 1 Research Productivity Scholarship, have obtained a Doctor’s degree by 2015; Does not have a scholarship in the Productivity in Research (PQ) method or the Productivity in Technology Development and Innovative Extension (DT) method in progress with a term no later than 2024;
Line 2 – Senior Research Productivity Grants – PQ-Sr
Intended for researchers who stand out among their peers as a leader and role model in their field of expertise, and have their scientific and/or technological output assessed, in accordance with the normative requirements and criteria established by CNPq and the Advisory Committees: Researcher Productivity (PQ) or Technology Development and Innovative Extension (DT) in Category 1 for 20 (twenty) at least one year, consecutive or not; or Be a holder of a PQ or DT scholarship in Category 1 or A or B levels for at least 15 (fifteen) years, consecutive or not.
Submission of the proposal begins June 26th and runs through August 11th. The preliminary result was set on November 9, and the final result is expected to be announced on February 8, 2024.
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