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McDonald’s and Burger King Clarify Controversial Snacks for Senate: Brazilians ‘used’ to Products That Mention Only Flavor, Says Mac |  Economie

McDonald’s and Burger King Clarify Controversial Snacks for Senate: Brazilians ‘used’ to Products That Mention Only Flavor, Says Mac | Economie

In a letter sent to the Federal Senate, a McDonald’s He defended himself from the controversy over the composition of the macpicana sandwich, saying that Brazilians are accustomed to consumer products “identified with names that refer to the flavor, aroma and experience they provide.”

Network suspended Marketing McPicanha from its stores in Brazil After he was notified by the Ministry of Justice and Procon-SP, who requested clarification regarding the lack of picanha in sandwiches.

“Brazilian consumers are accustomed to buying products identified with names that refer to the flavor, aroma and experience they provide, not necessarily to their composition,” the chain said in a letter sent to the Committee on Transparency, Governance, Inspection, Oversight and Consumer Defense of the Federal Senate.

McDonald’s new McPicana campaign – Photo: Disclosure / McDonald’s

In the letter, the network said that McPicanha’s ads made clear that it was a 100% beef burger, with pecana-flavored sauce, and that this information was also highlighted on the product’s packaging.

“Advertising materials and publicity mediums, as well as the label itself, have highlighted that they will be the new sandwiches, as well as their basic specifications and characteristics, while conveying true, correct and clear information about the composition of the new sandwiches – that is, a beef hamburger 100% beef with pecana-flavored sauce.”

On social media, consumers have described Whopper Ribs as another case of false advertising and a lack of transparency. The burger king I decided to rename the snack to “Swine Palette Whopper”.

In the letter sent to the Senate, a burger king He said information that the sandwich had flavor, but not rib meat, was available throughout the time the product was marketed.

The network said: “BK always respects its customer and the consumer in general, and strictly follows the guidelines regulating the food sector, has made this circumstance permanently clear outwardly and through all means of communication with the consumer.”