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McCree of Overwatch is now called Cole Cassidy

McCree of Overwatch is now called Cole Cassidy

Ago Allegations of harassment and discrimination employment Blizzard It became public, some players were asking about Jesse McCree’s character, who Note and watch, Change your name. The company then complied and said it would announce a new title for the champion “to better represent what Overwatch means.”

Today, the company announced to the public that the gunman has now been called Cole Cassidy. Overwatch’s official Twitter account wrote:

“The first thing a defector loses is his name and he has long since abandoned it. Fleeing from the past means running away from yourself, And with each passing year the distance was only increasing between who was and what became. But in the life of every cowboy, there comes a time when he has to stop and take action. To make this new Overwatch game better, and to make things even better, he had to be honest with the team and with himself. The cowboy who left him at dusk and Cole Cassidy faced the world at dawn.

A few weeks ago, the company announced that in-game characters would no longer have employee names and also promised to be more considerate in adding references from the real world within the game to reinforce that this is a fictional world and that creating it is team work.

Activision Blizzard is currently dealing with a series of lawsuits that began in July after the state of California sued the company over allegations of workplace discrimination and sexual harassment.

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