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Matthews, from the duo with Kwan, undergoes septal correction surgery

Matthews, from the duo with Kwan, undergoes septal correction surgery

the singer country side Matthews, from the duo with Kawan, had surgery to correct his nasal septum and reduce his nasal corneas today and reassured fans of his health:

Guys, I came to reassure everyone who asks. I had surgery today to correct the septum and turbines too, which were quite large. I had to undergo this surgery because I couldn’t wait anymore, I was having trouble sleeping, I was suffering from apnea. Matthews Alexo, country singer with Kwan

“Because it’s a surgery that has to be under general anesthesia and intubation, my voice is a bit like that and my throat is a little sore, and my voice is too. And I just think these first days it’s just going to be like that. Soon, I’ll do it. It’ll be fine.”

The artist eventually showed that he was in the presence of his wife, model Paula Ayres, with whom he had two children, Joao Pedro and Davy. “My partner is there, look,” he said as he photographed Paula.

Recently, in the last eleven, Matthews and Cowan got into an argument after participating in a secret party with about 500 people in Sao Paulo, which was eventually closed down by a task force implemented by the Blitz Committee, consisting of the Civil and Military Police, the Capital Civil Guard, the Health Watch, and the Observer.

wanted by UOLAnd The duo’s press office stated that “the couple have been hired to perform at a VIP event on Luciana Villar’s birthday, at a small gathering of family and friends.”.

They also said that upon hiring, they were told there would be no ticket sales and “all ordinances regulating the concentration of people will be followed, and security protocols adopted.”

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