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Marina Ruy Barbosa and Lilia Cabral meet again in the comedy Fuzzy – Prisma

Marina Ruy Barbosa and Lilia Cabral meet again in the comedy Fuzzy – Prisma

Lilia Cabral will be Marina Ruy Barbosa’s mother in Globo’s upcoming 7 o’clock series
Globo Disclosure

Marina Ruy Barbosa and Lilia Cabral played important roles in the movie “O Sétimo Guardião”, originally shown by Globo from November 12, 2018 to May 17, 2019. Marina played the girl, Luz, while Lilia, the villain Valentina Marsala.

Two great actresses will meet again in the comedy “Fuzuê”, Gustavo Reiz’s first TV series on the network, which is defined as an alternative to “Vai na Fé”.

This time, the young actress will outlive the main villain of the story, Preciosa Montebello, who will do everything he can to get her hands on an ancient treasure.

In turn, Cabral will give life to Bebel Montebello, Preciosa’s mother.

Edson Celulari and Ary Fontoura are also part of the cast.

Marina Ruy Barbosa, the villain of the next seven o’clock

According to the brief, the Fuzuê store that specializes in popular items is a success led by Nero Braga e Silva. Little does he know that the store’s grounds have hidden relics for more than 300 years.

The socialite Preciosa learns of the fortune and plots to overthrow Nero in order to take over Fuzoi. Also in the store, María Navalha, mother of baby Luana, was seen holding a map in her hand.

Nero, Preciosa, and Luana’s stories intersect on a surprising adventure, especially when Luana falls in love with Miguel, the son of Fuzuê’s owner.

out of sight

Globoplay has given the go-ahead to produce the third, fourth and fifth seasons of the “Archangel Renegade” series, starring Marcello Melo Junior.

And people are already holding their breath for the edition in the cinema.


The “Amigos” show, featuring Chitãozinho, Xororó, Leonardo, Zezé Di Camargo and Luciano, is back on the road in June.

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But at the moment there is no TV station involved.

Breno De Filippo on the cast of ‘Perfect Love’

in the claws of the villain

In “Perfect Love”, which Globo premieres on Monday, at six o’clock in the afternoon, Breno De Filippo will play Ronaldo Monteiro, an aspiring gardener and womanizer.

But the character will be seduced by Gilda (Mariana Ximenis), the main villain of the plot, and can hurt a lot of people.

Double effect

Speaking of “perfect love,” Maria Gal is also part of the cast as Neva Batista, Marie’s gorgeous friend, played by Camilla Queiroz.

Details: Mariah can still be seen in the unprecedented “Pollyanna Mocha” on SBT.

Pests of Egypt

From the next 31st day, the plagues will reach Egypt, in the re-recording of the Ten Commandments.

It is one of the highlights of the plot.

Julianna Poehler finished the recordings on “Reese.”
Instagram clone


After playing Eva in the first episode of “Genesis,” Julianna Poehler moved on to live Zeruia in the series “Reis.”

By the way, the actress recently concluded her participation in the recordings of the upcoming seasons of “Reese”.

As her next commitment, Juliana will accompany the release of “Genesis” in the US and shortly thereafter take a trip along the California coast.


In the newsletter about the new season of “The Voice Kids”, with the participation of Fatima Bernardes, Isa Momozinho and Carlinhos Brown, Globo did not mention a reporter behind the scenes.

The premiere is scheduled for April 9.

anything could happen

With regard to future Globo series, in all its tracks, good judgment dictates waiting for the following seasons.

It is important to remember that there has been a change of leadership at Estúdios Globo. The papers of Riccardo Waddington and Amaury Soares have been announced.

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Between the end of May and the beginning of June, actress and presenter Daniela Albuquerque shoots the second part of the feature film “Barao Hirsch – or Jews de Cuatro Irmaos”.

Owner of “Sensacional” on Rede TV! She plays Sarah, a submissive Jewish woman. At this last point, the character’s lifespan will be 70 years.

Daniela Gundim is one of the attractions on SBT’s “Bake Off.”


Daniela Gundem is part of the cast of the third season of “Bake Off Celebrities” on SBT. At the age of 30, cearense gained prominence when she gave life to the villain Nicole in the TV series “Carinha de Anjo”, which was produced in 2016.

She is also a model and has walked for major international brands and has posed for major magazines all over the world.


In parallel with her work on television, Dani Gundim is the ambassador of the Instituto Povo do Mar in Fortaleza.

An institution whose goal is to ensure access to education, sports, arts and culture for children, adolescents and young adults in situations of social vulnerability.

seventy years

Carlos Alberto de Nóbrega, No. 1 on “A Praça é Nossa”, will be the focus of the segment today “Record 70 Years – An Amazing Story”, for “Domingo Espetacular”.

He, the son of Manuel de Nóbrega, is the creator of “Praça da Alegria”, a program that debuted in the 1950s and was one of Record’s highlights in the 1960s.

Interview given by reporter Fabiana Oliveira at the presenter’s home.

Isabella Arruda: Upcoming Seasons of “Reese”, Music Video and TV Campaign
Tyler Newman/Actress Instagram


Reese’s lead Isabella Arruda, playing Elza, scored a co-star in a video for Paraíba artists Jose and Luckett.

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For those who have not attached the name to the person or persons, the interpreters of the penitents Totonho and Palmetto, who appear at the end of each chapter of “Mar do Sertão” with their humorous singing.

Isabella also recorded a new commercial, which has not yet been released.

knock knock

• “Fofocalizando” comes with a series of novelties starting on Monday…

• … The allure of their huge success is the presence of Chris Flores on his show.

• Also on Monday, starting at 6 pm, Rodrigo Lombardi will present the show “Desafio nas Escolas”, which will be broadcast on Futura and Globoplay, with a presentation by Fábio Porchat.

• Those interested in participating in the eighth season of “Shark Tank Brasil”, the entrepreneurial reality show, have until April 16th to register via the channel’s website …

• … The program is produced by Sony / Floresta and registration begins this semester.

• Father Reginaldo Manzotti launched the book, Nunca foi Segredo, this Sunday, at Shopping Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro.

• The premiere of “Largados, Pelados e Frozen” confirmed on the 26th, at 20:40, on Discovery and discovery +.

• On the 28th, at 8 p.m., the E! Entertainment premieres “Voices of E! – Feminine Independence” Narrated by Malou Mader…

• …the documentary shows, through experiences, some ways to exercise independence and improve women’s mental health…

• …Using science, meditation, and somatic therapies, the film shows that female identities are multiple and that autonomy is an essential part of well-being.

• In April, a new season of “Cidade Alerta Em Série” will be available on PlayPlus.

• The film “Alem de Nós”, starring Miguel Coelho and Thiago Lacerda, will be screened in Rio, Tuesday, and Sao Paulo, Wednesday, at the Espaco Itach, as well as Porto Alegre, Thursday, at the Espaço de cinema Bourbon Country.

• Busy Monday: Later, at 7 pm, Michaela Joyce and Pia Manfroni will attend the book signing of Women Transforming Women – Be the Heroes of Your Life (Literature Books), at Livraria da Travessa, in Ipanema, Rio.