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Marilos Mora and the Cincia na Rua Project, which teaches young people from parties to spread science – Jornal da USP

Marilos Mora and the Cincia na Rua Project, which teaches young people from parties to spread science – Jornal da USP

The Science on the Street project enables adolescents to understand phenomena based on scientific knowledge and to become media publishers of science on social networks, in schools and in the peripheral areas in which they live.

By Ricardo Alexino Ferreira

USP . magazine

USP . magazine

Diversity in Science #6: Marilos Mora and the Ciência na Rua Project, which teaches young people from the periphery to spread science


number Diversity in the sciences, Ricardo Alexino Ferreira interviewed Marilos de Souza Mora, creator and coordinator of the Ciencia na Rua Science Dissemination Project, which targets youth in the suburbs. The project equips teens to interpret and disseminate science.

Marilos Mora is a retired Professor Emeritus at the Federal University of Bahia and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Unicamp Laboratory for Advanced Studies in Journalism. She was also a creator FAPESP Research Journal, which he administered between 1999 and 2014. He was also president of the Brazilian Society of Scientific Press.

She is the author of the books: Pleased to know: FAPESP Research Interviews; Scientific journalism: activism and innovation in Brazilian research; Scientific journalism: from the laboratory to the community; stupid revolution Among other things.

number Diversity in the sciencesMariluce talks about scientific knowledge aimed at young people and adolescents, and the role of scientific publishing in contemporary times.

Diversity in the sciences

NS Diversity in the sciences It is a scientific outreach program focused on the sciences of diversity and human rights, broadcast every Monday at 1 pm, and repeated every Tuesday at 2 am, and Saturday at 2 pm, with guidance and presentation by the journalist and professor at the Egyptian Chefs Association – South Ocean University Pacific University of the South Pacific Committee on Human Rights, Ricardo Alexino Ferreira, and audio process by Joao Carlos Miguel.

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NS Diversity in the sciences Registered in the Studios of the Department of Communication and Arts/Education at the College of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (ECA-USP).

The USP-FM radio can be set to 93.7MHz/SP or through the link http://jornal.usp.br/radio/


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