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Marguerite Deniz will be in charge of the health department of Joao Pessoa

Marguerite Deniz will be in charge of the health department of Joao Pessoa

Photo: Facebook / Margareth Diniz

Former Dean of the Federal University of Paraíba, Marguerite Deniz, current Secretary for Science and Technology in Joao Pessoa City Council, will replace Doctor Fabio Rocha, Joao Pessoa’s Minister of Health, as found by him political conversation. Rocha handed over the position to Mayor Cicero Lucina (Progressa) on Thursday (16). He was already claiming to be physically and mentally stressed.

to me political conversationIn the morning, Margaret Denise said that she was pleased with the work and the results achieved in the current bag, but admitted that there were discussions on this topic.

On Thursday morning, in an interview with TV Cabo Branco and Paraíba, Cícero Lucena said that the new secretary will be announced until tomorrow, and that the profile of the new health director will have “general experience and full capacity to meet the challenge that is always health”.

Who is Margaret?

Born in Sousa, in the interior of Paraíba, Marguerite Déniz has a degree in Medicine and Pharmacology, a specialist in Animal Toxicology, a Master’s and Doctor’s degree in Bioactive Natural and Synthetic Products, and a Postdoctoral Degree from the Graduate Program in Biotechnology (Renurbio). ).

In her career as Director, she was Dean of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) in 2012-2020, Director of the Center for Health Sciences (CCS), Chair of the Advisory Board of University Hospital Lauro Wanderley (HULW), where she also served on the Technical Board, and was a member of the Administrative Board The Brazilian Hospital Services Corporation (EBSERH). She is the ambassador of the Innovation Parliament, for the institutional development of science, technology and innovation of the Republic of Paraguay – Mercosul.

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She is a permanent researcher in the Bioactive Natural and Synthetic Products Program and in CNPq, and holds the Pharmaceutical Merit Medal awarded by the Federal Council of Pharmacy.

Integrates research groups in the pharmacology of natural and synthetic products into the UFPB (researcher); GEFAO: Applied Phytotherapy Study Group in Dentistry – UFPB (researcher); National Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology (INCT-INOFAR) – UFRJ (researcher); Investigation of the genotoxic, cytotoxic and cytoprotective effects of natural and synthetic products against prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells – UFPB (Leader); Pharmaceutical Assistance Center – Pharmacotherapy and Biopharmaceutics – UFPB (Researcher); medicinal and poisonous plants – UFPB (commander); Bioactive Natural and Synthetic Products – UFPB (Researcher).