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Manchester City star reveals players are ‘on the verge’ of strike

Manchester City star reveals players are ‘on the verge’ of strike

Midfielder Manchester City, Rodry He admitted that players were “on the verge” of going on strike over concerns about the increased workload as the game calendar grows.

And the Spanish played 63 Matches for club and country last season, in a campaign that only ended in Euro 2024on July 14.

Rodri is expected to feature in more games this season, as City take part in the new expanded version of the league. Champions League The renewed form of FIFA Club World Cupin June.

Asked if the busy schedule could push players into strike action, the midfielder was direct.

“I think we are close to that, it is easy to understand. I think it is a general thing. I think if you ask any player they will say the same thing, it is not Rodri’s opinion or anything like that. I think it is the general opinion of the players. And if it continues like this, there will come a time when we will have no other choice. I really think so, but we will see.”

“I don’t know what will happen, but it’s something that worries us because we are the ones suffering.”

With the main names in the squad playing in matches for the national teams as well as for the club, the athletes are expected to end up playing up to 85 matches this season.

Rodri has averaged over 50 appearances for the club per year since arriving at City in 2019. From the Spaniard’s perspective, that is already too much.

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“I don’t know the exact number. From my experience, I would say 60 or 70. [jogos por temporada]“A number between 40 and 50 is the number of matches a player can perform at the highest level. After that you fall because it is impossible to maintain the physical level.”

“This year we can reach 70, maybe 80. It depends on how far you go in the competitions. In my humble opinion, I think that’s too much.”

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