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Manaus is among the capitals with the best meteor showers this weekend  Amazon

Manaus is among the capitals with the best meteor showers this weekend Amazon

A station installed at Bardinho (SP) caught over 200 Berrechid meteorites – Image: William Schauff/GMN/Bramon/Dislosure

In addition to the capital of Amazonas, Cuiaba and Belém will also have good visibility conditions.

In general, the viewing conditions will be ideal, as the moon will be heading towards its furthest point from Earth (which should happen on the 16th), ideally darkening the night sky to frame the scene.

The Perseid meteors are part of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which last appeared in 1991. The comet has a 26-kilometer-wide nucleus, and is more than twice the size of the celestial body that led to the demise of the dinosaurs.

According to NASA, it takes 133 years for it to reappear in our sky, that is, it should return only in the year 2125.

The constellation Cassiopeia, shaped like the letter “w”, is to the left of the constellation Perseus. – Image: playback / wikipedia

Once outside, look for the constellation Perseus – the Perseids got their name because meteors seem to fall from this area of ​​the sky.

However, it might be best to look for Cassiopeia, as this constellation looks a bit like the letter “w” and might be a little easier to identify.

There are many free mobile applications that show the exact location of each application, you just need to enable it to use the camera and point it at the sky.

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