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Maduro's opponent says Lula and Petro cooperated in his candidacy

Maduro's opponent says Lula and Petro cooperated in his candidacy

Edmundo Urrutia, opposition candidate for president of Venezuela, said other South American leaders supported the coalition ticket

The opposition candidate for Nicolas Maduro in the Venezuelan elections, Edmundo González Urrutia, who belongs to the… Ipod (Democratic Unionist Platform) said to El Pais That Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) and Colombian President Gustavo Petro (Colombia Humana – left) helped launch his candidacy.

Urrutia is Maduro's main rival and his candidacy represents the opposition coalition to the government, MUD (Democratic Unity Table). He was chosen unanimously by the parties that make up the coalition.

According to the candidate, he is in contact with both countries, and Lula and Petro were demonstrating “Interest and responsibility” on “Warranty Plan” For elections. Elections are scheduled to be held in the neighboring country on July 24 of this year.

On Tuesday (April 23), Lula praised the Venezuelan opposition for supporting the single ticket. The Brazilian President also stressed the need for all parties to respect the election results. “It's extraordinary, they came together and put forward one candidate.”Lula said while having coffee with reporters at Palacio do Planalto.

Nicolas Maduro

The 61-year-old President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, presides over an authoritarian regime that does not guarantee basic freedoms. For example, he keeps people in prison because of what he considers to be the case “Political crimes.”

There are also limitations described in reports by the Organization of American States (on the “illegitimate appointment” of the National Electoral Council by an illegitimate National Assembly) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (from October 2022in November 2022 It's from March 2023).

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