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Maduro signs decrees creating Essequibo state and takes another step toward annexing territory from Guyana |  world

Maduro signs decrees creating Essequibo state and takes another step toward annexing territory from Guyana | world

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro speaks during a public event in front of a map of the country that includes the Essequibo region, on December 8, 2023. – Photo: Disclosure/Presidency of Venezuela

In a new escalation of the conflict with Guyana, the President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, on Friday (8) signed six decrees to incorporate the city of Essequibo and transform Guyana’s territory into a Venezuelan state.

For the first time, Maduro gave a horizon for the plans to be implemented: “2030 or more,” “to fulfill the mandate of the people who voted yes.” This was in reference to the referendum held last Sunday, with the participation of half of Venezuelan voters, in which the annexation of Essequibo was approved.

Essequibo, an area larger than England and the state of Ceara, is currently under Guyana’s control, but Venezuela claims the area as its own.

  • Creation of the Guyanese state of Essequipa (also called Essequibo in Venezuela).
  • Establishing a committee bringing together “sectors from across the country” to “discuss strategy until 2030, or beyond. A short- to medium-term strategy, to fulfill the mandate of the people who voted ‘yes’ five times on December 3.”
  • Establishment of a High Commission for the Defense of Guyana Equipa, a body composed of the Defense Council, the Federal Government Council, the National Security Council and the political, religious and academic sectors.
  • Formalizing the new official map that includes the Essequibo region, to be disseminated in schools and universities.
  • Establishment of a subsidiary of the state company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) in Essequibo and granting licenses for gas, oil and mining exploration.
  • Appointment of Alexis José Rodriguez Cabello as authority in Essequipa in Guyana. The administrative headquarters of this body will be in the city of Tomeremo, in the territory of Venezuela. For example, a social assistance plan was planned, with a census being conducted and ID cards being handed out to residents.
  • Establishment of the Guyana-Esquipa Comprehensive Defense Region, comprising three integrated defense regions and 28 development sectors.
  • Establishment of national parks in Esquipa
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Venezuela x Guyana: An understanding of 5 points in favor of Essequibo

The decrees were signed during a speech he delivered in front of thousands of people in the Venezuelan capital. in it, Maduro spoke in front of the new official map of the country, which includes the city of Essequibo.

Guyana has not yet commented. The country took the case to the United Nations Security Council; A closed meeting was held on Friday. There was no concrete decision.

Venezuela agrees to annex Guyana — Photo: Reproduction

The territory of Essequibo has been disputed between Venezuela and Guyana for more than a century. Since the end of the nineteenth century, it has been under Guyanese control. The region represents 70% of today’s territory of Guyana, and 125,000 people live there.

In Venezuela, the region is called Guiana Esquipa. It is a place full of dense forests, and in 2015 oil was discovered in the area. It is estimated that Guyana’s reserves amount to 11 billion barrels, the most significant portion of which is located offshore, i.e. in the sea near Essequibo. Because of oil, Guyana is the fastest growing country in South America in recent years.

Guyana claims to own the territory because there is a report from 1899, issued in Paris, in which the current boundaries were determined. At that time, Guyana was a territory of the United Kingdom.

Both Guyana and Venezuela claim their rights to the territory based on international documents.

Guyana requested assistance from the United Nations and the International Court of Justice

The International Court of Justice ruled on December 1 that Venezuela could not attempt to annex Essequibo and that this applied to the referendum.

Guyana had asked the court to take emergency measures to stop voting in Venezuela.

In April, the International Court of Justice stated that it had the legitimacy to make decisions on the dispute. This body is the highest court in the United Nations for resolving disputes between countries, but it is unable to implement its decisions.

A final decision on who owns Esquipa may still be years away.

The Venezuelan government said that the decision constitutes interference in internal affairs and violates the constitution. Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez said that “nothing will prevent the holding of the referendum scheduled for December 3.” She also said that despite the court appearance, this does not mean that Venezuela recognizes the ICJ’s jurisdiction over the dispute.