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Maduro jokes about Maria Corina Machado’s alleged escape

Maduro jokes about Maria Corina Machado’s alleged escape

Dictator VenezuelaNicolas Maduro made a joke on Monday 14 years ago about the opposition leader’s supposed escape from the country Maria Corina Machado.

The politician disappeared after Maduro’s security forces threatened her with arrest over her allegations of fraud in the presidential elections held on July 28.

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Maduro said with a smile during his television program, without mentioning the name of his rival: “She is the one who fled the country – do not tell anyone – she left the country. My sources tell me that she fled.”

“They are cowards. They are good for sending messages of hatred and bigotry, but they are gone, the Gucci bags have arrived,” added the dictator, who then sang: “And he left and his ship said goodbye,” a line from the popular song “A Sailboat Named Freedom.”, by José Luis Perales and Carlos Rivera.

YouTube video

The dictator insisted for a few weeks that the opponent, who had been in hiding for two months, was preparing to leave the country, just as candidate Edmundo González Urrutia had done.

Also persecuted by Maduro, Gonzalez was granted asylum in Spain after an arrest warrant was issued for him in connection with an investigation into alleged election fraud.

Maria Corina Machado spoke about the arrest warrant issued against Gonzalez | Photo: Center for Strategic and International Studies/FlickrMaria Corina Machado spoke about the arrest warrant issued against Gonzalez | Photo: Center for Strategic and International Studies/Flickr
Maria Corina Machado, opponent of the Venezuelan dictator: incommunicado with the press since September | Photo: Center for Strategic and International Studies/Flickr

Maria Corina: “Nicolas Maduro is the one who will leave”

Several press vehicles are trying to locate Corinna in search of a new position. But there are no tangible results. Machado told AFP in an interview at the end of September: “I am in the place where I feel I am most useful in the fight, in Venezuela.”

At the beginning of October, she insisted: “Here, Nicolas Maduro will leave. I will continue with the Venezuelans.”

Read also: The United Nations says Nicolas Maduro committed crimes against humanity

The government-controlled National Electoral Council declared Maduro the winner of the elections held on July 28 after receiving 52% of the votes. The Commission has not yet issued the detailed voting minutes, as required by law. You claim that your system has been the target of a cyber attack.

Under Corina’s leadership, the opposition is demanding victory for González Urrutia. In this sense, copies of approximately 80% of the voting records were published on a website. Documentation will prove your candidate’s merit. Chavismo denies the authenticity of the material.

Edmundo Gonzalez records the audio after landing in Madrid, where he will live in political asylum | Photo: Reproduction / Instagram / @egonzalezurrutiaEdmundo Gonzalez records the audio after landing in Madrid, where he will live in political asylum | Photo: Reproduction / Instagram / @egonzalezurrutia
Edmundo Gonzalez: Political asylum in Spain to avoid arrest in Venezuela | Photo: Reproduction / Instagram / @egonzalezurrutia

The European Union, Latin American countries, and mainly the United States, did not recognize Maduro’s re-election. On the contrary: they say Gonzalez is the winner, and accuse the Venezuelan dictatorship of promoting political persecution and violent repression against opponents, with thousands arrested, including young people and teenagers.

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