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Lula’s nominees to the Petrobras Board of Directors are not eligible

Lula’s nominees to the Petrobras Board of Directors are not eligible

a Securities and Exchange Commission (CMV) has deemed two ineligible candidates by the government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to the Petrobras Board of Directors. The state-owned company released the information on Thursday, 13, through a communication.

Confirmation of the candidates’ eventual ineligibility, though, will be made by the company’s shareholder meeting, scheduled for April 27.

The names considered ineligible by the CMV are the Minister of Oil and Gas in the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Pietro Adamo Sampaio Mendez, and former Minister of Science and Technology Sergio Machado, leader of the PSB.

According to the PetrobrasThe decision comes in line with the procedures of the Board of Directors and the internal committee of the company, which had previously denied other names appointed by the federal government.

The government committee responsible for analyzing the curricula alleged prohibitions enshrined in state-owned law. The group consists of four members of the Board of Directors and one independent member.

Opinion on the candidates for the board of directors

The committee assessed that Pietro Mendez did not bear any prohibitions as long as he resigned from his position in the Ministry of Mines and Energy. Based on this assessment, the Board decided, by majority, to disqualify.

On the other hand, Sergio Machado deemed Rezende ineligible to participate in the Directory of Political Parties – something prohibited by law and company regulations. The decision was unanimous.

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