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Luana Piovani celebrates Pedro Scooby’s arrival in Portugal after BBB 22: “Holidays”

Luana Piovani celebrates Pedro Scooby’s arrival in Portugal after BBB 22: “Holidays”


Luana Biovani has commented on the arrival of her ex-husband, Pedro Scobe, to Portugal to stay with his three children with the actress.

Luana Piovani announced that she will enter from "Holiday" After the arrival of Scooby
© Reproduction / InstagramLuana Beovani announced that she is going on ‘vacation’ after Scooby’s arrival

Luana Piovani, ex-wife of Pedro ScobeShe was a separate figure as the surfer passed by BBB 22which ended last week. Through her social networks, she sent messages and made comments about the game, I even fought with Mira Cardiwife Arthur Aguiar, who ended up winning the reality show.

This weekend, though, I celebrated Skopje arrives in Portugal, where she and her three children live with the athlete when they were married. He had not seen his children Dom, Bem, and Liz for three months; The actress stated that with the arrival of the sons’ father, she would take a “leave” from motherhood.

“The holiday week will start again. Pedro arrives early tomorrow, and the children will go to bed very early to receive himBecause he arrived at six in the morning. They won’t even go to school tomorrow, they’ll have fun with Dad, and Mom will be back on vacation. She said in Stories on her Instagram account that my mom is going to stop.”


After that, Luana stated that she intends to travel at the time Scooby will stay with the kids to miss youand that she intends to organize herself in the next few days when she will be without obligations the watchful eye of the mother.

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“Dad is coming, and mom is going on vacation, that’s it. I have some plans already organized, but I think I will travel now, I have no plans for later. Will it be the premiere of my play? Did God take something from my hand and put something else, “said the artist .