Luana Piovani attracted attention on Wednesday (10) when she spoke out against actor Dado Dolabella, who physically attacked her when they were dating. The actress' stance comes after Dadu went viral on social media defending his current girlfriend, BBB 24 participant Wanessa Camargo.
Through Instagram Stories, Luana Piovani shared a post featuring a photo of Dado with Zezé di Camargo's daughter. The actor gained fame when he advocated a vegan diet for BBB 24 participants.
The post read: “Am I the only one who looks at him and remembers that he hit Luana with Yovani, or does this happen to you too?” “General find the couple [Dado e Wanessa] 'Nice' [emoji de vômito]”, also appears in Story.
Luana Piovani and Dado Dolabella dated during 2006 and 2008, and the relationship ended with accusations that the actor physically assaulted the actress.
In 2014, Dadu was convicted under the Maria da Penha Law and had to serve two years and nine months in an open system. Since 2022, he and Wenisa have been in a relationship after the singer divorced businessman Marcos Boyes.
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