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Listen to the pilot’s conversation with traffic control after the captain dies in flight

Listen to the pilot’s conversation with traffic control after the captain dies in flight

A flight in the United States is grounded after the captain falls ill and the co-pilot has to handle the operation on his own, until he receives unexpected help.

The case occurred a few days ago with a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 that was on its way from Las Vegas to Columbus, but had to return to the original airport after the captain felt severe pain in his stomach, and lost consciousness during the flight.

Despite the situation, the co-pilot continued to operate the aircraft, communicate with air traffic control about the situation and fly the Boeing safely to the place of origin.

Now, a recording of the conversation between the Southwest aircraft and the controllers was made available, demonstrating a great deal of control over the situation by the co-pilot, who provided details of everything that happened.

Also in this recording it is possible to note that a third pilot, from another airline who was traveling ‘by rambling’, enters to assist in the cockpit, also informing that the aircraft will be towed to the boarding gate.

As the captain’s situation worsens, the co-pilot decides to lower his colleague while he is still in the taxiway, and coordinates with the emergency response teams. The audio can be heard below (wait for loading).

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