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Lewis Hamilton did not praise Bolsonaro after the Brazilian Grand Prix

Lewis Hamilton did not praise Bolsonaro after the Brazilian Grand Prix

It is incorrect to pilot Formula 1 Lewis Hamilton said he had never seen Brazilians as happy as in the president’s government Jair Bolsonaro (No party). Spreading on social media Piece of misinformation Who attributes the courtesy comment to Brit.

The statement, shared by a profile identifying himself as Pocketnarist, could have been given to The New York Times, after Hamilton’s victory in the Interlagos Grand Prix, in Sao Paulo, on November 14. when it proves, by emailThe Mercedes-Benz team’s press office from Hamilton said the pilot “did not say that nor did he give an interview to the New York Times”.

In another tweet about the misinformation, the owner of the profile stated that for her, it makes no difference that the British pilot did not, in fact, comment on the Bolsonaro government. She wrote, “(?) Nobody needs to speak for me. What I can say for myself: I’m happy with this government.”

Kombrova questioned the author of the fake Instagram post. She replied that she did not believe the post had the potential to harm others. He claimed that he only saw leftists classify the content as fake, “Nobody on the right.” After that, I realized the fake of the post and deleted the content.

False, for Comprova, is any content that has been invented or modified to intentionally change its original meaning or disclose it to spread a lie.

How do we check?

Initially, Comprova performed file searches google browser And on the New York Times portal looking for an interview by the English pilot with the same content as the verified publication. The words entered are “Lewis Hamilton”, “Brazil” and “Bolsonaro”. The site did not provide articles on these topics.

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Comprova also visited piece verifications carried out by the websites Boatos.org, UOL Confere, Estadão, Yahoo, Agência Lupa and IstoÉ. The conclusion of all verifications was that the content is fake.

the report I communicated With the author of the post via a private message on Instagram, and after the interview, I deleted the content.

To Kombrova, via email, Mercedes-Benz’s press office, Team Hamilton, stated that the pilot “didn’t say that nor did he give an interview to the New York Times”.


The post here verified the inventions that Hamilton’s comment was to be made in the presence of the Governor of São Paulo, Joao Doria (PSDB), one of Bolsonaro’s main political opponents. Toucan is called “tight panties” in another. I was Doria, who delivered the Interlagos GP winner for the English language.

“It is a great honor to introduce Lewis Hamilton as the SP Formula 1 Grand Prix winner. It’s exciting to see Hamilton flying the Brazilian flag at the highest place on the podium. It’s exciting to see the fans screaming ‘Senna!'” Sina! Profile. From the Governor on Twitter.

Hamilton Emolo Sina

The pilot’s reverence for the national flag was no way to mention “pocketnarismo,” a movement that uses the colors and the Brazilian flag in demonstrations in favor of the president. Hamilton’s gesture was a show of admiration for three-time Formula 1 world champion Ayrton Senna (1960-1994). In 2021, it will be 30 years since Senna’s first win at Interlagos.

On March 24, 1991, the Brazilian faced obstacles until he was able to celebrate in an unprecedented way in front of his fans, such as rain and only the sixth walk in a row. Raising the national flag in first place on the podium. In 1993, the signal was repeated twice, in Brazil and Australia, when the driver raised the flag from the cockpit, while the car was still moving, as Hamilton did. Recordings On the site in memory of the pilot.

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In an interview with Bandeirantes TV, which holds the rights to broadcast the sport, Hamilton said: “This one went to Brazil. I’m very proud and happy with all the passion and love I’ve received from people. It was a very special moment I remember watching videos of Ayrton holding the flag when he won here. And I searched for science in the end.”

Hamilton backed Bolsonaro’s critics

Mercedes driver already Post on Instagram, on May 31, 2021, a message in support of the anti-Bolsonaro protesters. The seven-time Formula 1 champion wrote: “My heart goes out to you, Brazil.”

The post’s photo was from Avenida Paulista, one of São Paulo’s postcards, to that opportunity people seized against the Bolsonaro government’s handling of the health crisis. The country has had more than 461,000 deaths from Covid-19.

Formula 1 has already caused a dispute between Doria and Bolsonaro

Bolsonaro actually wanted to hold the Brazilian Grand Prix in Rio de Janeiro, at a racetrack not yet built, in the Deodoro district, the western region of the city. He even announced that negotiations with Liberty Media, the business group that runs F1, are 99% complete. In parallel, the São Paulo government negotiated with the same group to maintain the race in São Paulo.

The relocation project to the capital, Rio de Janeiro, has also had environmental impacts. The racetrack will pass through the Camboatá Forest, the last stretch of Atlantic forest in a flat area of ​​Rio de Janeiro. Subsequently, the Rio de Janeiro City Council approved Bill 1345, as of 2019, which establishes a wildlife sanctuary (Revis) in the Camboatá Forest.

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Mayor Eduardo Paes (DEM) in-house leader, Átila Nunes (DEM), estimated that approval of the text would lead to the conservation of animals and plants.

Why are we investigating?

in your The fourth stageComprova is investigating suspicious content spread on social media about the pandemic, the general policies of the federal government, and the 2022 elections. The president has been praised for his world-famous pilot.

At the time of publishing this text, the post had over 6000 interactions. Some of the comments were against the fake post. Others are favorable. One user wrote: “Thank you Hamilton! Underwear is worth it! People, despite everything, we live in a judicial dictatorship, they are happy and safe with Bolsonaro.”

fakeFor Comprova, it is all content that has been invented or edited to intentionally change its original meaning or disclose it to spread a lie.