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Learn how to read messages offline

many users The WhatsApp They’re looking for a kind of privacy that the app doesn’t offer yet: the ability to read messages No need to connect to the internet. What happens is that when someone opens the tool, their status changes and your contacts can tell that that person is available.

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There are several ways to prevent others from seeing that someone is active when they want to read a message. In addition to the tricks that we are going to teach, it is important to highlight that there is indeed a feature that prevents display of the status of blocked contacts.

How not to connect to the Internet

One way to secretly read messages is through cell phone notifications. In this case, you only need to configure the device to view a file Posts Received on WhatsApp in the form of notifications. The only downside is that the function only shows part of the content, not the full text.

Another way is to put the smartphone in Airplane mode, which will turn off Connection For the device with the Internet. Then the user can even send their reply message, exit the app and turn the internet back on so that the text or media is sent without anyone seeing that it has been available for some time.

The third method is to download apps and extensions that offer features to hide status and “type”. However, it is not recommended to use it as it is not very secure and increases vulnerability to hacker attacks and hacks.

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Read more: Learn how to check if a user has deactivated or deleted WhatsApp