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Learn about the case of the influencer who took spinning lessons, had his urine turn black and went to the ICU

Learn about the case of the influencer who took spinning lessons, had his urine turn black and went to the ICU

Influencer Camilla Rigobelli He suffered unexpected consequences after taking a simple trial class. After exercise Rotation For the first time, I felt uncomfortable as soon as she left. Over the next few days, the sensation developed into severe pain and his urine turned black. She then needed to be admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU).


Photo: Clone/Instagram/Perfil Brasil

Camila reported what happened on her social networks. According to the doctors who treated her, the influencer suffered from rhabdomyolysis, a disease that occurs as a result of the body’s reaction to a serious muscle injury.

Sports doctor at Albert Einstein Hospital, Karina HatanoHe said in an interview with the G1 website that every time the body exercises a muscle,Smashing“This decomposition generates enzymes that are metabolized by the liver and kidneys. Rhabdomyolysis occurs when the injury is very large and the substance is generated in an amount that the body is not prepared to receive.

When we train too intensely, the muscles break down more and so the kidneys have to filter more. This leads to severe deficiency and increased toxins and the person may need dialysis or even die.“, It is to explain.

Now the doctor Fabricio PozzatoA member of the Brazilian Society of Military and Sports Medicine (SBMEE) pointed out that sedentary people and people new to physical activities are more exposed, as wear and tear on athletes’ bodies is usually monitored before contracting the disease.

The expert states that to avoid rhabdomyolysis, it is recommended not to attempt intense activities (if you are sedentary) and not to strain the body beyond what it can support. “Hydration before and after exercise also plays an important role in prevention“, He said.

Hatano guarantees: “To avoid this disease and many others, the answer is physical activity. A prepared body will not go through this. The secret is balance, starting with moderation, and under the supervision of a specialist and a doctor.“.

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