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Leandro Grass promises to maintain the health plan for public servants if elected

Leandro Grass promises to maintain the health plan for public servants if elected

Leandro Grass, PT-PV-PCdoB Consortium candidate for the Federal District Government (GDF), participated in Saturday From capital Cities This Monday (19/9). For 30 minutes, the postulant to Buriti Palace She spoke to reporters Isadora Teixeira and Larissa Alvarenga about the DF’s health, safety and economics proposals if elected.

One of the proposals made by the candidate was to maintain the GDF Servers Health Plan, a program established by the current government. “It’s a great achievement for the servers and it will be maintained and improved.”

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Grass also spoke about well-being and health. According to him, if he holds the position of governor, then there will be a unique social program.

The candidate stated that those with the name in Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) would be able to receive an Auxílio Brasil worth R$600 plus local support for the same amount. “We had shredding. People should go to Cras [Centros de Referência de Assistência Social] every six months. We want to guarantee a minimum income of R$1,200 for every family living in poverty,” he said.

He also talked about housing assistance. “The city is growing, but it must grow in an orderly and planned manner, serving those who need it most. We have two works for this. One is social rent and accelerating the construction of housing sectors for the poorest residents.”

Regarding health in the Federal District, Grass responded to his criticism of the Institute for Strategic Health Management in the Federal District (Iges-DF). The candidate emphasized that he wanted to end the institute, but said it could not happen “overnight”.

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Candidate PV stated that he is planning some measures to attract residents to use transportation, such as Bilhete Ir e Vir. Instead of the passenger paying the number of tickets on the card, they will rent the service for a week or a month. He said that he will be able to use the means of transportation unlimitedly with less than two tickets.”

According to him, the procedure will reduce the value. Grass also spoke about the zero tariff, classifying it as a “long-term” measure.

“We will update the transportation system going forward so that at some point we can reach zero fare when the resources come in.”

Relationships and the second round

Asked about the support of provincial and federal deputies if elected, Grass emphasized that there would be a harmonious coexistence of the parties. “I feel calm because I hope Lula (Labour) will be elected. Let’s work together.” Regarding the DF Legislative Chamber, Grass stated that he would maintain a respectful relationship with all colleagues, whether allies or not.

“Right now, it is no longer just between left and right. One of the great signs of maturity is the fact that Lula and Alckmin are on the same ticket. We are united for democracy and the good of our people.”

About the second round, Grass said he’s sure he’ll participate. “I am convinced that we will reach the second round.”

See the full interview: