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Latitude#79: Brazilians in America – Crusoe

Latitude#79: Brazilians in America – Crusoe

Immigration is one of the main themes of the November 5 presidential election in the United States.

According to a study conducted by the company call up Released at the end of February 28% Immigration was the most important issue among the interviewees.

And this For the first time since 2019 This issue tops the list of issues on voters’ minds, above the economy.

In addition to illegal immigration, which takes up most of the news, many immigrants are coming to the United States.

Among them, there is a community of 1.9 million Brazilians. It has a larger population than the city of Recife in Pernambuco.

In this context, a podcast episode latitude This Saturday, May 25, he interviews Rodrigo Costa, a Brazilian living in the United States.

He is one CEO of Viva America, a US immigration assistance company.

“The US government can apply directly from Brazil for permanent residence, green card based on your career or academic career”Costa says.

The Brazilian also comments latitude About the US elections from the perspective of the Brazilian community in America.

“The issue of immigration is always a hotly debated topic. After all, today, there are more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. There is always an element of opposing illegal immigration and another element of protecting more flexibility.Costa says.

“We have a challenge: There are so many open jobs in the U.S. that Americans can’t fill. And there’s talk of hardening the border that amuses the American people.He adds.

oh latitude A weekly podcast about key facts about international politics and Brazilian diplomacy, airing every Saturday at 6pm.

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Full content of the program is for subscribers only the enemy and from Crusoe’s JournalAnyone can watch it on YouTube or listen to it on audio platforms.

LATITUDE, a podcast to position yourself in the world

Watch an excerpt from this latitude Below: