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Latam will have free internet for Latam Pass customers

Latam will have free internet for Latam Pass customers


Latam has announced benefits for Latam Pass customers

Latam has announced benefits for Latam Pass customers

a Latam Announce new benefits to customers Latam Pass. Among the new features are free on-board access in addition to the messaging service – already available on the company’s flights – for passengers in the Gold, Gold Plus, Platinum, Black and Premium Black categories.

For clients LATAM class,Initially for the loyalty program, Internet access remains ,only valid for sending messages.

The service was announced on Thursday (9), along with other news for loyalty program customers. Among them is the transfer with Audi of Black Signature passengers from remote boarding at Congonhas Airport to the aircraft.

Other news from Latam Pass

  • Points + Money: Possibility to pay in cash for the remaining amount of points to redeem tickets to a specific destination;
  • Retrospective points: New Latam Pass members will be able to retroactively request points for trips taken in recent months;
  • Double points: Accumulation of double points on flights between Brazil and the United States issued between October 17 and November 30, 2023, and operated through May 31, 2024;
  • Re-check points: Points that expire in September 2023 will be revalidated and can be used until December of the same year.
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