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Laís asks Lynn for forgiveness when admitting it’s a hate text

Laís asks Lynn for forgiveness when admitting it’s a hate text

les caldas I confess Lyn da Quebrada Who was the author of Torpedophobia transgender inside BBB 22 (Globe). On Monday (24), following Tado Schmidt’s warning, the doctor apologized to the singer and explained that she had sent the message to recall a comment made by the Camarote member.

“Do you remember when we used to do View here [na sala]And that you started [a perguntar]: ‘Are you single?’ Are you single? So ask here.’ I thought it was cool, because when everyone else forgot, I asked. Then I took it and texted you,” the Pipoca member said, and the celebrity soon wondered, “So you texted: Are you single?”

Guyana said that I didn’t mean to offend the artist He explained his reasoning with the message: “He wasn’t asking if I was single, he was [imitando] You’re talking to the crowd.”

According to the health specialist’s account, Lin was supposed to receive the message on Friday (21), after the fraternity group presentation, which was held on Thursday (20). However, the message Featured on Lynn on Saturday (22).

The doctor stressed that He was concerned about Schmidt’s message: At the time, I was thinking: He asked about the party. [com o torpedo]I was really excited about the wall work. I would never ask you this way. Sorry if I bothered you.” At the end of the conversation, they hugged.

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