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Knowledge is the key to innovation in science and technology, highlights the President of Semagro – the portal of the government of Mato Grosso do Sul

Knowledge is the key to innovation in science and technology, highlights the President of Semagro – the portal of the government of Mato Grosso do Sul

“Science and technology start from the bottom. There is no point in thinking only of trained scientists if we cannot generate new people and new ideas.” With this message addressed to an audience of students and researchers, the Minister for the Environment, Economic Development, Production and Family Agriculture (Semagro), Jaime Virc, inaugurated the 19th National Science, Technology and Innovation Week in Mato Grosso do Sul. (SNCT). The event is promoted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), together with Semagro, in partnership with UEMS (University of Mato Grosso do Sul State University (UEMS), UFMS, IFMS, Sesi, Senac, and others.

The secretary highlighted the importance of research in student education. “Many of you are finishing high school and you have to decide which path to take from the point of view of knowledge. The point of this science and technology week is actually to help a little bit in this decision-making process. Because, he stressed, there is nothing in the world that does not go through science and technology” .
Virac highlighted the developments of science in the most diverse sectors and their importance in people’s daily lives. “All professions will require a certain knowledge of science and technology. What the world needs today is innovation,” he explained.

He noted that during the week, C&T’s knowledge searches will be discussed and presented on various projects developed by partner entities. “The week suggests having a discussion about what we have today and especially to start looking at what the world needs in terms of innovation. And that’s a lot. We have very clear challenges today, like sustainability. We have climate change challenges everyone thinks it’s tree planting. It’s not enough, we have to change the attitude, and consumption, changing the perception of the path we are following there,” he noted.

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For high school students, the event is important to expand knowledge about science and technology

The Secretary also listed the actions carried out at Semagro and praised the performance of the Science and Technology Coordinator. “This week will be about knowledge. There is no magic. Innovation is only knowledge. That is why we are here today discussing science and technology. Knowing that Mato Grosso do Sul is a reference in terms of the number of PhDs and the volume of research, the diversity. The capacity we have installed in Mato Grosso do Sul. Seoul today is great. Today we have capabilities within our universities, within our schools. Great opportunities from the point of view of what we can do.”

Marina Dubashi, Science and Technology Coordinator at Semagro, recalls that today science, technology and innovation (ST&I) is a central tool for promoting entrepreneurship and social, environmental and economic development in the state. “In MS, there are many ways to encourage the emergence of good ideas that can, in the future, be put into practice to help boost the economy. One of them is through the Centelha Program, which seeks to stimulate the creation of innovative businesses and spread the cultural activity of entrepreneurship in Brazil Through training and even financial support, providing support to turn ideas into successful businesses,” he stressed.

The Tecnova Program is another development front for MS research, which aims to promote the economic, social and technological development of MS by encouraging innovative business ventures. This initiative targets existing local companies, that have at least 6 months of operation, and that have been allocated up to R$2 million to enhance new operations or management models.

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With technical lectures and an exhibition of technologies and research, the event takes place today and tomorrow (09) at Professor Mariluce Bittar’s Training and Research Center (Rua dos Dentistas, 500 – Tiradentes, Campo Grande), from 8 am to 5 pm.

Rosana Sequeira – Simagro
Pictures: publicity