Follow Jovem Pan on WhatsApp channels: Jovem Pan News and Jovem Pan Esports
a Young frying pan Already exists WhatsApp channels, with news and analysis on the most important things happening in politics, economics, the world and sports. The new feature of the messaging network was announced on Wednesday, the 13th of this month, by Meta, the company that controls the Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp applications, led by Mark Zuckerberg. The tool has been launched in more than 150 countries, including Brazil, and works in a similar way to Telegram channels, where users receive messages from businesses and other users. The channels of communication groups, companies, sports teams, and artists can be followed directly via WhatsApp.
Jovem Pan has two channels: Jovem Pan News that it Jovem Pan Sports. To access, click on the names below, and you will be taken directly to the channels. When you log in, activate the “Following” notification located at the top right side of the screen. ready! You have already subscribed and you will receive news, videos and main news Breaking news-Stay informed of everything that is happening in real time.
Click and follow Jovem Pan channels:
On WhatsApp, posts will appear in a new Updates tab, not in the Chats tab, where chats with your contacts are located. The new tab also covers statuses posted by your contacts. Participants will be able to interact with posts through com. emojisbut they will not be able to send messages to the channel. The function will be gradually made available to each user, which is why some will not be able to access channels immediately in the search area. But everyone can subscribe to be notified of updates.
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