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Joao remembers a racist comment, but says Rodolfo isn’t bad

Joao remembers a racist comment, but says Rodolfo isn’t bad

the teacher Joao Louise, from yesterday Act “BBB 21 “with 58, 86% of the vote, said the Anna Maria Braga He was pleased with his ability to react and expose the racist attitude of his curly hair.

Joao recalls that before the feud broke out, he talked about Rodolfo’s comment to Camilla.

Inside the game, there came a time when I thought I wasn’t going to live. At that moment, I was only able to reveal Camila because I had a welcome response. In the game in the bedroom, I think it is not a jokeThe message I leave is when I get to know her, I say it. In the bedroom, I was trying to internalize what had happened

Former BBB thinks Rodolffo isn’t a bad person, but remembers that comments are painful.

This was the key moment. I was happy myself to say it and had space to say it. It is an answer not just for me, but for others. The problem is not the intention, the intention also hurts. I am not saying that Rodolfo is a bad person, quite the opposite. Thiago’s speech was a learning experience for everyone. He takes BBB and uses it to educate people. This is why I am a teacher: Most students need to live this. Unfortunately, many blacks lived and lived. It is almost a common point. I don’t want to tell my experience with pain and pain

Thiago Leverett’s speech on black power

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BBB 21: João Luiz listens to Tiago Leifert’s speech on racism

Photo: Play / Globoplay

João celebrated the space Tiago leifert used on Rodolffo’s Elimination Night to talk about black power and racism.

Thiago Levert’s speech was very sensitive, he used special words in a light way, as it was a non-thinking people [do porquê João se incomodou] I understood why it was hurting me [o comentário]. Unfortunately, reality continues to reproduce these discourses. This is what we need to do, seeing that we made a mistake and not doing more. Making mistakes in everyday life is one thing. Another serious mistake

“The Cabinet” against Lucas

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BBB 21: Karol Conká, Projota, and Nego Di

Photo: a Globoplay clone

He said that, along with Camilla de Lucas, he had not participated in the so-called “hate office” that had planned to nominate Lucas Pintido.

Joao said he participated in one conversation with the Projota group.

Everyone was in the hammock and Camila and I weren’t invited. We weren’t present, the whole path, the entire conversation to make a plot against Lucas. On this we went. I think I took part in the plot against Lucas very seriously, there were people who crafted it in other ways

Friendship with Camilla

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BBB21: João fortifies Camila de Lucas

Photo: Play / Globoplay

11 days from now she is waiting for her with 1.5 million BRL in her pocket. We were a lot of partners all the time and it was really amazing that this one was with me. Camila’s first hug is me. A true friendship I’ll have for the rest of my life. I will be sad and happy, I am sending a message knowing that we will live the same way here

João far from the fights

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BBB 21: João participates in “Mais Você” with Anna Maria Braga

Picture: Play / TV Globo

There were times when I could put myself differently. People are accustomed to charging for location fees all the time and hard. I guess I did when I needed to be assertive. Juliet and Feet’s nonsense about clay pots could be done another way. Dishes, battle cakes are nothing that affects me. There are things more complicated than washing dishes

A kiss between Jill and Lucas

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29 Lucas and Jill kiss photos

Picture: Play / TV Globo

The teacher recalled when Lumina doubted Lucas’ bisexuality and hinted that the kiss with Jill was more about the game than the desire.

It’s a very serious issue that affects me, questioning Lucas’ sexuality. Sex does not question. The kiss happens, we want people. What will you ask the truth about the kiss? There are things that are never questioned, and neither is sexuality questioned. At that point I went out to defend himself. Many say that Lucas used a gel. They didn’t have to ask. At the party, I came to speak and said I defended him. It is real and a point

Carol Konka expels Lucas from lunch

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BBB 21: Carol invites Lucas to lunch on series 4

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Carol and Lucas had a lot of sparks in the house. I wouldn’t say watching this situation is one of the most relaxing things. But there are things in there, because they have sparks, they are afraid to get in and end up exploding. You’ve had incredible conversations with Lucas and Carol. He realized we weighed our hands a little and welcomed him better. But I couldn’t. I tried

Gossip Gill, Fake Arthur

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BBB 21: Joao and Jill complain about Rodolfo

Photo: Play / Globoplay

Joao referred to the personalities of some of his bound colleagues.

gossip. My dear friend Gilles de Vigor. I love Jill, he is a bonding person a lot, but we always had great affection for each other. Boring. I’ll be consistent with my in-game situation and give it to Boca. Fake I think is the hardest, but it will give Arthur. There was a moment in the game where I didn’t understand much about Karla’s move, there was his comeback and there were things I kept thinking about

Remember all the brothers and sisters who were excluded from ‘BBB 21’

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Who should be excluded from “BBB 21”?


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Globo / Joao Cotta

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BBB: Police Cases

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