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João Pessoa City Hall supports the achievement of the Paraíba Mathematics Olympiad, which will have more than 600 students

João Pessoa City Hall supports the achievement of the Paraíba Mathematics Olympiad, which will have more than 600 students

More than 679 students from public and private schools in Joao Pessoa and the state are participating this year in the Paraíba Mathematical Olympiad (OPM), which will be held during the 19th National Science and Technology Week (SNTC), on Wednesday (9), from 2 p.m., at the Arena José Lins do Rego Cultural Space, in Tampauzinho. The event is supported by the municipality of Joao Pessoa.

OPM Coordinator and Professor of Mathematics at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Felipe Wallison Chaves Silva, commented that OPM, despite being from Paraíba, has been held since 1990. Paraíba Math Olympiad “, explained the professor.

The OPM is being implemented by the OPM 2022 Extension Project Team, approved by the Dean of Extension and Community Affairs of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), and has the support of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the Municipality of João Pessoa and the state government. The event is a regional competition targeting students from schools in Paraíba who attend from the sixth year of primary school to the last year of high school.

Professor Felipe Wallison Chaves Silva commented that the goal is to bring mathematics closer to society and to identify young people who have the potential to study mathematics and pursue a career in science and technology “Also, on the other hand, we have a center of excellence in Paraíba, which is the mathematics department of the UFPB. This is also a way To show the community the work developed here,” the professor added.

There are three levels of participation. Level 1 is for students enrolled in the sixth or seventh grade of elementary school. Level 2 for students enrolled in the eighth or ninth grade of elementary school and 3 for students enrolled in any grade of secondary school.

Approves – It will be singles and starts at 2 PM and ends at 5 PM. Its maximum duration is 3 hours. In the end, the inspectors collect evidence. The minimum time spent on the application site is one hour, starting from the beginning of the application. The test can be done with a pencil or ballpoint pen with blue or black ink. In each level, discursive tests will be prepared with 5 (five) questions. Each question is worth 20 points, with a total of 100 points possible.

Prizes and Ranking Prizes will be presented to the students with the best final grades, in each level and category, in descending order of degree: Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, and Honorary Medal.

Students from the Public Education Network will not compete with students from the Special Education Network. Each category will have its own prizes and the number of winners in one category is independent of the number of winners in the other category. The project implementation team reserves the right not to reward students for insufficient performance, regardless of ranking in the overall category rating.

Other gifts, such as books, will be distributed in case of partnership or financial support for the project. The number of students receiving an honorable mention will be determined at the discretion of the OPM 2022 Extension Project Team. Break-even points on any award lines will be determined by the OPM 2022 format.

The OPM cannot appeal with respect to the correction of tests and the classification of students. No visas or proof reviews will be granted under any circumstances. Lists of winners will be published in order of ranking, in each group of participants, according to the award criteria found in the list.

19th National Science and Technology Week (SNCT) – It has been held annually since 2004. It was established by presidential decree of June 9, 2004. This year, Joao Pessoa will hold SNCT in two phases: with the “SNCT Caravan”, which will visit 15 cities; And from November 9-12, 2022 with the Mostra SNCT, at Espaço Cultural.

SNCT is implemented under the coordination of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), with a calendar of events and activities free and open to the population, in cooperation with state and municipal secretariats, development agencies, scientific-cultural spaces, educational and research institutions, scientific societies, schools, government agencies, technology-based companies and private companies with Focus on the use of innovative technologies and other civil society entities.

The theme chosen for this year reflects Brazil’s independence, which will complete two centuries in 2022, and how science and technology have contributed to the country’s growth since then. SNCT is an excellent opportunity to disseminate science and technology and to reflect on its role as a driving force for Brazil’s technological independence.

The motivating idea of ​​SNCT 2022 in Joao Pessoa is to coordinate events for the dissemination and popularization of science that synergistically combines the science and technology ecosystem, the education network and the general population of the city and state, in an enjoyable environment. Sharing experiences and motivations of young scientists, favoring seed fertilization for social transformation through scientific and technological knowledge.


The 19th National Science and Technology Week

Event: Paraíba Olympiad in Mathematics (OPM)

Venue: José Lins do Rego Cultural Space – Tambauzinho

Opening hours: 2 pm – 6 pm

more information: http://www.mat.ufpb.br/opm/