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João Pessoa City Hall launches a notification for the University Support Program on Monday

João Pessoa City Hall launches a notification for the University Support Program on Monday


João Pessoa City Hall launches a notification for the University Support Program on Monday

04/20/2024 |
08:00 |

Next Monday (22nd), the Department of Social Development (headquarters) will hold an event to launch the 2024 Declaration for the University Support Program, in the hall of the Municipal Administrative Center (CAM), starting at 8:30 am. Registration for the notice competition begins next Wednesday (24).

A lecture on “Health and Well-Being in University Life” will also be held as part of the program’s activities with the beneficiary students. The lecture will be delivered by Ana Luisa Castro, Professor at the Department of Health Promotion at the Medical Sciences Center of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), starting at 8:30 a.m.

“Running the notice is something we do annually and we know that there are expectations around a program associated with promoting education and we hope that all students who are already part of the university support will participate in the lecture as well. This is the time to improve their academic experience and be closer to those who benefit from the program.” , highlighted the Minister of Social Development, Norma Gouveia.

The municipal university support program is managed by Sedes, with its own resources from the municipal treasury, and targets socially vulnerable higher education students, enrolled in public or private institutions, with the aim of providing financial support so that they can complete their studies.

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The program currently has 435 active students and notice is published annually for the selection of beneficiaries. The amount to be provided ranges from one-third to one-sixth of the minimum wage.

Students who receive Bolsa Família receive support from the municipality equivalent to one-sixth of the minimum wage. Those in Kadoniko only receive university support equivalent to a third of the minimum wage.