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João Guilherme opens the game and reveals the secret of success at the time of courtship: “I know how to be treated”

João Guilherme opens the game and reveals the secret of success at the time of courtship: “I know how to be treated”


The singer’s youngest son Leonardo assumes his fame as a “motive”, as he is known on social media for having already had relationships with several celebrities.

João Guilherme unlocks the game and reveals the secret of success at the time of courtship.  Photo: PodDelas reproduction, on YouTube.
João Guilherme unlocks the game and reveals the secret of success at the time of courtship. Photo: PodDelas reproduction, on YouTube.

influencer Joao Gilherme, an easy-going figure in dating circles, opened the match on Wednesday night (17) and confessed his “secrets of success” to succeed in the seduction. He was a guest on PodDelas, on YouTube, and spoke with presenters Tatá Estaniecki and Boo Unzueta about his life as a heartthrob.

Son Youngest singer Leonardo He admitted that he assumed his reputation as a “motive”, as he is known on social media because he has had relationships with several celebrities. During the chat, he said that it is necessary to learn how to find out about her owed value: “I think I’m very important to my contacts”He said on the box.

John explained what he said She considers it necessary to flirt Unfold in a positive way: “I know how to treat people. First, I treat my friends very well, really! And nowadays, that’s hard! Because there are a lot of people out there who don’t know how to treat people who date well. I have friends, and I see how many stupid men get involved.” with him”revealed the son of his countryman.

And the young man went further in the comments, Weave compliments, including your looks: First, I treat girls well, I think I’m pretty, so I know that in terms of ‘I want to kiss’ [sou] cool!”, is detailed. It is worth noting that Joao Gillherme and influencer Jed Bacon had a three-year relationship that ended in September of last year.

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