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Jewelry stolen by Bolsonaro: PF found photos of the “white gold set” in the USA

Jewelry stolen by Bolsonaro: PF found photos of the “white gold set” in the USA

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The team of investigators sent by the Federal Police (PF) to the USA has made new discoveries that further complicate the situation of Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the investigations into the theft of jewelry from the presidential collection carried out by the former president.

After losing the elections to Lula and organizing a coup attempt, Bolsonaro fled to the United States on the eve of his inauguration, at the end of December 2022, carrying in his luggage a series of jewelry that he obtained mainly during his visits to Arab countries, selling them illegally in the country.

According to information from Bella Megali, from the American newspaper O Globo, customers obtained never-before-seen photos of the “white gold set”, which includes a ring, a pen, cufflinks and an Islamic rosary studded with diamonds.

The collection also included a Rolex watch that was sold illegally in Pennsylvania and was repurchased by the criminal organization after investigations began. The value of the collection, which was received on an official visit to Saudi Arabia in October 2019, was estimated at more than 500 thousand Brazilian riyals.

The jewelry was illegally sold to a “Goldie’s” store in Miami, Florida, by Lt. Mauro Cid, who was arrested twice and signed a plea deal with the police force.

Agents obtained photos of jewelry resale advertisements, proving the illegal transaction.

The operation, which was carried out in partnership with the FBI (the US Federal Investigation Agency), also obtained documents proving the work of the gang led by Bolsonaro in the sale of union jewelry.

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See group photo

A white gold set stolen by Bolsonaro from the Presidential Collection (PF).